Baseball is not in the same place as softball on this. From the MLB rulebook:
"Baserunners must be alert to the possibility that the base
umpire on appeal from the plate umpire may reverse the call of
a ball to the call of a strike, in which event the runner is in
jeopardy of being out by the catcher’s throw. Also, a catcher
must be alert in a base stealing situation if a ball call is
reversed to a strike by the base umpire upon appeal from the
plate umpire."
In a softball game, if I call ball 4 and as a result the runners advance and then we determine it was actually strike three, I'd be inclined to bring the runner back. This wasn't a stolen base it was a reversal of a call that put one team in jeopardy.
And the OP, I also think is quite clear, in baseball or softball, this is an out.
But let's change the OP just a bit. Ball in the dirt, checked swing that BU will call a strike if asked. Catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher and then the OC calls time and wanders out to ask the umpire to get help. (Not how it's supposed to work but it happens). How would you untangle the mess there? (My inclination is to decide it's too late to go for help.)