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Old Tue Jun 13, 2017, 12:08am
josephrt1 josephrt1 is offline
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Posts: 128
Boy was i confused with some of these responses. There are 3 or 4 scenarios I could envision from this OP.

1. F2 did not return ball directly to the pitcher. Since PU did not call this a strike, it is ball 1. Since the ball did not go to the pitcher, should PU have called ball 2? The defense would also realize he wasn't giving them the 3rd strike and they would need to ask for help. if after PU asks for help the BU does signal a swing, then PU would announce Strike 3, and BU would signal out at 1st. (even if the throw down was before the BU called it a swing.)

2. What if you modify the OP and we have a full count. Batter and PU think it was a check swing. Batter trots down to 1st. BU makes no call when F2 throws to F3 and treats like a Base on Balls and not a DTS because PU never signaled strike. After catcher realizes BU did not make an out call and runner standing on 1B, Catcher would realize something wrong and ask PU, "didn't she swing" which would prompt the "Partner. Did she swing?" BU signals strike and BU then signals "Out" since the throw beat the runner.

3. I never heard of a situation where a BU is suppose to call the swing without any question being directed from the PU. That would be chaos.

4. The PU should have called (Verbally. not just not make a strike call) it a ball if he wasn't calling it a strike so that batter and catcher and his partner knew what the call was.
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