Originally Posted by MT 73
Possibe in theory but that is a mighty fine line to cross and I was trained to give the benefit of doubt to the batter and call it a foul ball.
Since this is a judgement call it cannot be argued or protested.
Others here are free to do it their way.
That is not a judgment call; it is a misapplication of the rule.
USA 8.2-F(4): The batter-runner is out when the batter-runner interferes by making contact with a fair batted ball before reaching first base.
Calling this a foul ball is inviting a protest. A ball that stops (settles) over fair territory is, by definition, fair. Any contact with the ball by the BR is an out, batter's boxes or not.
The definition of a foul ball (subsection F) requires that the batted ball touches the batter or the bat a second time. A stationary ball can't make contact with anything. As has been posted previously, the judgment on this play is did the ball hit the player (ball>>>player) or did the player hit the ball (player>>>ball). Other sports have the word "impetus" in their rulebook verbiage. That concept applies here as well, just as it does in a batted ball being hit a second time.