Originally Posted by RKBUmp
I dont have the ability to do it, but would be interesting to see the 2 videos side by side and synced up so you can see exactly where the catcher was with the ball at what point the runner got knocked down.
It's hard to do exactly, but by putting both videos in side by side browsers you can sync it up reasonably. At 8 seconds in the youtube video and 10 seconds in the photographers video, you can sync up the tags perfectly. If you then start both as quickly as possible you'll get a pretty good sense. When the runner knocks herself down on the obstructing 3B, the catcher already has the ball and is running toward the plate. From that approximation, it seems the runner should have been put back at 3rd.
(I've tried it a couple of other ways and I think the contact occurred slightly after the catcher got the ball from all of them.)