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Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 10:44pm
Mbilica Mbilica is offline
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Posts: 137
Originally Posted by MT 73 View Post
What is the rule on a batter interfering with a play at the plate on a wild pitch?
The batter (10U) moved well out of the box but was looking towards the infield when the catcher ran into him when trying to tag the runner who was coming home.
Had the batter not been there they would have had a very possible tag out.
I called interference and, since it was 2 outs, I called the batter out.
Naturally, the rules don't directly address this particular case, but we can infer from the following rule that you made the correct call:

OBR 6.06c
The batter is out when he interferes.... by making any other movement that hinders the catcher's play at home base.

If there had been less than two outs, the runner would have had to return to third, which was the last base legally touched before the interference. In this case, make sure to announce that the run does not score.

If the batter had continued to try to avoid contact, he would have been okay, but he is obligated to pay attention and stay out of the way once he finishes his offering at a pitch.

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