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Old Wed Jun 07, 2017, 11:40am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by fredhjr View Post
USA (ASA) 12U--No runners on base. I am BU. Batter hits ball, which comes to rest in fair territory about a foot from the plate. Batter starts to 1st and contacts ball. PU calls her out. Offense coach argues that, since one of the batter's feet was still in the box when contact was made, this should be a foul ball. PU asks for assistance. I say batter is out. Call stands. What say ya"ll??
The rule cited by RKBUmpm is the definitive response. The difference between this rule and the definition of Foul Ball (F) is very often misstated, and even more often ruled incorrectly.

In Foul Ball (F), the batted ball touches the batter who is within the batter's box; foul ball. In your OP (I underlined the pertinent statement), the ball did NOT touch the batter, the (now) batter-runner contacted the fair batted ball!!

The foul ball definition is meant to protect a batter who fouls the ball off her own body, and not attempt to determine if that body part was in fair or foul territory. Batter, still in the batter's box, ball hits the batter; foul ball. Not a batter-runner, who on the way out of the batter's box, runs into a fair batted ball; out, no matter if batter-runner or ball was still in the batter's box.
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