Much ado about nothing, in my opinion.
The rule(s) exists to stop specific concerns, being 1) a team getting outside communication giving them a competitive advantage, and/or 2) a team having in-game video of the play to gain a competitive advantage. Any use of electronics or technology, whether defined or not currently defined, should be considered in that light, and only with those concerns in mind. Think about the smart watch, data streaming to a smart glasses; it isn't possible to wordsmith a rule covering any future possibility, other than to address what concern or result must be avoided.
The Go Pro or similar, streaming by a hotspot or a phone, is not an issue; UNLESS it is being viewed by team personnel, and/or there is communication with the team with scouting information from that source. If USA SOFTBALL THOUGHT IT WAS ILLEGAL, THEY WOULDN'T STREAM FROM THEIR OWN NATIONALS!!! With a Go Pro and a hotspot mounted on the backstop!!
Whatever device is being used as a scorekeeping device is legal; UNLESS the team member uses it as a communication device, too, during the game. If it is legal on the field, and legal OFF THE FIELD, it is legal in the dugout, when used as a scorekeeping device. Can we, do we, should we, be watching like a hawk to make sure they don't text from that device, or receive a text; IMPOSSIBLE!! Here's my manner of management: "Coach, no problem with that as a scorekeeping device. But, you need to know that if it is used for any outside communication during this game, that it, you, and anyone else that is holding it when that happens, will be ejected from this game."
Once or twice I have had a coach holding his phone running an app to scorekeep receive a call; the look of dismay, immediate concern, and "holding a hot potato" told me he wasn't cheating. We laughed; and moved on. Not an issue, because we didn't make it an issue.