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Old Mon Jun 05, 2017, 09:50am
MT 73 MT 73 is offline
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Originally Posted by Colo Blue View Post
It is not in the rules but is accepted practice.
Since you hear this over and over again perhaps this should have sunk in by now.
If you guys want to take crap from an assistant coach or a score keeper be my guest.
I suppose you also allow assistants at your pre game plate conference?

NCAA and USSSA do not require that the head coach attend the pregame meeting, only that a member of the coaching staff attend. What would you do? Refuse to talk to them and insist that the head coach must attend?
Based on what? Your accepted practice?
I do not do not do NCAA or USSSA.
I only do USA for both HS and summer travel.
If the rules stated that the head coach does not have to attend the conference then why would I insist otherwise?
My association only wants the head coach and captains to attend the conference so why would I go against that?
And for crying out loud, how many times have I stated that I WILL--and have many times--communicate with an assistant if they do so in a respectful manner?
Talk about being in a bubble...
But you guys are correct---I mainly do baseball and under OBR--(and, thanks to Illinoisblue I see the same is true for NFHS baseball.) I was taught correctly who can and cannot communicate with an umpire.
I did go back and check my 2017 USA rulebook and I see that IrishMafia is correct about coaches--any coach--being able to communicate with and umpire so I will change my habits during the summer travel season.
Thanks to all for an informative and spirited debate.

Last edited by MT 73; Mon Jun 05, 2017 at 10:01am.
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