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Old Sun Jun 04, 2017, 06:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by crosscountry55 View Post
Almost. I'm just saying there's something unique about IPFs, especially late in games. My experience is that what's observed by the official has to be pretty darn egregious for the assignor or camp clinician to support an IPF. The preferred result, even for the casual bear hug as exemplified in the POE, is typically a common foul and bonus FTs.

So....IMHO, generally speaking there is a disconnect between what the committee wants done and what assignors want done. This puts officials—whom the committee seems to want to blame a paucity in IPFs on—in a tough spot.
That sounds like a local issue, which I am sure we all have to deal with on some level. I get what you are saying, but I think this is not a problem for everyone or even with this rule. But we could say that about other rules as well. Heck we had a state that told us about uniform things and hand-checking and coaching box stuff and had an assignor who basically wanted us to ignore that stuff or said, "In the ........ we are not calling that...." But that was one guy and I over the years have started to slowly not take games for him anymore. I got tired of having to compromise my feelings on rules for a place or conference that was not that spectacular in the first place. Now there are other assignors I work for that have no issues with our enforcing rules and they support you when you do. So this seems to me like something that might be accepted in some areas and others areas not so much.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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