No the rule is not the same. In softball an obstructed runner may not be put out between the 2 bases where the obstruction occurred. At the end of playing action, the obstructed runner and any other runners affected by the obstruction should be awarded the base or bases they would have reached in the umpires judgement. That could be the base behind them, it could be one or more bases in front of them.
I saw some discussions on this play in another forum, the obstruction happens at 3rd off screen so have no idea what happened there. The base umpire called the obstruction and after the runner was put out approached and told the plate umpire they had obstruction. Apparently the calling umpires determination was the runner would have reached home absent the obstruction and awarded home. The call was correct based on the umpires judgement.
Last edited by RKBUmp; Sun Jun 04, 2017 at 05:28pm.