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Old Sat Jun 03, 2017, 08:59am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
You really been having an issue with this Billy? I cannot think of one time since they made it clear you cannot being out of bounds where I had to even have a call that related to this rule specifically. This is just so rare that players even try to defend while clearly out of bounds. I do not even remember it being taught much at all.
As indicated in my post, I agree with you that plays involving legal guarding position and the out of bounds sideline are very rare. Issues? Not until I noticed the wording in this year's Point of Emphasis. As far as being taught the rule, we were only taught once, when the rule first came point, and back then, it was made clear to us that if contact with a sideline dribbler (especially in a pressing trapping situation) was made by a defensive player having at least one foot out of bounds (before, or after, obtaining legal guarding position), that it was always a blocking foul.

After the rule regarding legal guarding position and out of bounds came out twenty years ago, has it always been clearly worded by the NFHS that it's been legal to "move" out of bounds after being "set" inbounds? Or is this year's Point of Emphasis the first time we've seen such wording?
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sat Jun 03, 2017 at 09:01am.
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