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Old Wed May 17, 2017, 08:57am
jTheUmp jTheUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
1) Here's the FED rule:

ART. 7 . . . Loose equipment, such as gloves, bats, helmets or catcher's gear, of either team may not be on or near the field.
PENALTY: If loose equipment interferes with play, the umpire may call an out(s), award bases or return runners, based on his judgment and the circumstances concerning the play.

And OBR (from MLB ground rules):
No equipment is permitted to be left on the top step (lip) of the dugout. If a ball hits equipment left on the top step it is dead.

In general, the ruling / award is going to be the same whether it's the defensive or offensive team that causes, the problem, but you are going to give the benefit of the doubt against the team who had the bucket out.
Haven't had to do it in the later parts of the season, but earlier this year during the meeting with the coaches when I was reminding them of the POE for loose equipment/coaches outside the dugout, I'd say something to the effect of "If a live ball hits a coach or equipment outside of the dugout, I get to do pretty much whatever I want, and you're not going to like it."

Not quite true, of course, but it got the message across.
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