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Old Tue May 09, 2017, 12:43pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by so cal lurker View Post
From my experience watching CA high school games with the shot clock, it's long enough that it rarely matters. The two best things about it, IMHO, are (1) at the end of quarters not having more than the 35 seconds of dead play that the shot clock allows (though HS teams are not good at things like 2-for-1 clock management) and (2) it, to a degree, minimizes the intentional fouling at the end of close games, as there is a limit on the length of stalling. The latter, to me, is the best reason to keep it. (And yes, especially at understaffed tournaments and some schools, there are consistent problems with the managing of the shot clock.)

Without jump balls or resetting fouls (neither of which I'm in favor of), it's hard to see any reason to keep quarters, as they don't mean anything -- just an artificial break in the game.

I do like 1-and-1. Part of it, I confess, is that's how it was when I played. But a larger part is I like the fact that a team trying to get back in the game gets an advantage from having fouled less. I think double bonus at 10 strikes a nice balance.
I work many HS games in CA and while the operating of the shot clock isn't perfect, it does make the game better for both of the reasons you list.

I have advocated playing in halves for years, but the trend is obviously going the opposite way now. I don't care for what are two needless stoppages. I also would prefer that we eliminate 30-second time-outs and have four full-length TOs instead.

If the NFHS game ends up sticking with quarters, I'm all for resetting the fouls as I believe that it will result in fewer FT attempts. I also support eliminating the 1&1 as it would get rid of one more way in which the game can get screwed up.

I'm on the opposite side of your comeback stance. I think that the team with the lead near the end of the game shouldn't be put at a disadvantage by the trailing team fouling. I don't like that they can trade 2pts max for an attempt at a 3. Yes, the team with the lead can foul too in order to prevent 3pt attempts, and I hate it when both teams employ that strategy and the game devolves into a FT contest for the final 90 seconds. It is awful and a farce. I would even support a rule change to prevent that in which any foul committed outside of the 3pt line during the final two minutes of the 4th quarter or any extra period results in 3 FTs.
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