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Old Tue May 09, 2017, 09:51am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by walt View Post
As for the last second shot possibilities, I was at an NCAA Women's camp and the discussion there was 4 last second shot opportunities adds excitement to the game, makes the officials stay engaged, promotes game clock and shot clock awareness, etc. To each their own. Being an NCAA women's official, I like it.
Excitement is great, but NF rules right now does not have a shot clock. You have teams actually slow down for the final minute or so for those shots (so you have no action). I am not sure I want a shot clock either as we have a lot of problems with the shot clock with small college. I am not confident that a shot clock is going to make the game better at the high school level with all the potential an real mistakes that are made. Yes I know states use it, but that does not mean everyone is going to apply it properly. Good for those states, but the NF at least should give the option to not use a shot clock if they ever change the rule.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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