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Old Mon May 08, 2017, 04:45pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich View Post
The women's side has done this, though. No reason why the NFHS wouldn't side with the women's rules over the men's rules *if* there was to be a change.
Well if that is the case, it never seems to change a rule from college unless the Men's side accepts or changes the rule in their game. Even mechanics are often not changed unless the Men's side in general makes the change. Again my point is that the Men's side are not changing some things that people here wanted to change. I think that will likely mean that those changes will not come as quickly as some think. We already know that the NCAA Men's side does not accept the NBA way of things on many levels. And even JD Collins said, "We are not the NBA." He went on to day, "They have 64 officials on their staff, we have 850 regular D1 officials at our level." Heck my state has 5000 basketball officials that range in all years of experience as well and that is just one state. So when we have rules changes, it has to benefit everyone, not just a relatively smaller number of schools. Heck my state even has over double the amount of schools the NCAA D1 level has to play, which many of the rules use as their standard of operation.

Originally Posted by Rich View Post
Wonder if we'll go back to quarters now in WI. The coaches seem to like halves, but now we'll be different than every other level.
I hope we go to halves. I think the game flows better. Heck after working several AAU games with 16 minute halves, I would rather that be the standard anyway. Only one last second shot possibility and the game just flows and runs smoother IMO. Heck you can even extend the game a minute or two a half as well and that would be better IMO.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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