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Old Thu May 04, 2017, 01:49pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Liked It Better The Old Way ...

Originally Posted by Freddy View Post
... put the word "legally" back into 4-42-5a ...
If you're talking about the throwin kick, then I agree that the word illegal made it easier for me to understand and officiate the play. Without the word illegal it's difficult for me to understand why the throwin didn't end. I now have trouble remembering to leave the arrow alone after the new throwin. In the olden days, I do remember saying to a questioning coach, "We don't change the arrow because the kick illegally ended the throwin". That wording doesn't apply any more (but the outcome is the same).

4.42.5 SITUATION: Team A is awarded an alternating-possession throw-in.
A1’s throw-in pass is illegally kicked by B2. RULING: As a result of B2’s kicking
violation, Team A is awarded a new throw-in at the designated spot nearest to
where the kicking violation (illegal touching) occurred. Since the alternating-possession
throw-in had not been contacted legally, the throw-in has not ended and
therefore, the arrow remains with Team A for the next alternating-possession
throw-in. COMMENT: The kicking violation ends the alternating-possession
throw-in and as a result, a non-alternating-possession throw-in is administered.
When the ball is legally touched on the subsequent throw-in following the kicking
violation, the arrow shall not be changed and shall remain with Team A.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Thu May 04, 2017 at 02:18pm.
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