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Old Tue May 02, 2017, 12:54pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by SC Official View Post
What is so difficult about two-hand reporting that the overwhelming majority of high school officials wouldn't be able to "get"? It's not rocket science.
I did not say it was difficult. I said that we have people that cannot report properly or concisely when they officiate a high school game. Now you add another element to something that many officials already struggle with when using one hand (remember everyone is not a well trained official at the NF level like college or pro). If they make this change there is no real sweat off my back. I am not going to protest or even complain. I just find it funny that guys that work other levels are so worried about this issue. I would rather worry about the NF getting wording right with their rules than changing something your state can decide on their own to do. Even if the NF makes a chance, a state can say, "Nope, we are not using that mechanic." So I do not get the thumb up the behind about this one mechanic and then trying to suggest that everything about the mechanics are so necessary to the game. Which is why I feel that you want to feel like you (not you personally) know more by advocating this than just using the mechanics of the levels you work. I also work college and I have no problems transitioning from one level to another. There are many more differences I have to deal with than how I report a foul. This is just such a non-issue but it comes up as if it is going to help us actually officiate the game, when it is about more how we look when watching ourselves.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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