Thread: Out or not?
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Old Sat Apr 29, 2017, 08:38pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Correct, it would require being away from the catcher for a reach or a move.
I'm a jacka$$ when it comes to grammar; and a stickler when a rule is restated colloquially, rather than in rule book language. I aspologize if I hurt anyone's last feeling.

SharpLY and directLY means you cannot see an observable change of direction as a result of the "tip". That is actually a physical impossibility, as any contact MUST, by the laws of physics, change direction (every action/force must result in an equal but opposite reaction).

If there is an observable change of direction as a result of the contact, be it up, down, to a side, or any combination; if that ball is caught, it is an out. Fair or foul, it is a batted ball caught in flight that is NOT a foul tip.

The exception noted by Manny is a ball contacted by the batter that does not have an observable change of direction, but contacts the catcher first somewhere OTHER than hand or glove. THAT is a foul ball, and a dead ball, grounded by contacting the catcher.
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