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Old Fri Apr 28, 2017, 01:09pm
Mountaincoach Mountaincoach is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 131
Let me ask a question of you guys on this subject. For years, I've watched a lot of local coaches and umpires tell little tiny girls "You can't wear that camouflage pattern really bright pink fielder's mask if you pitch when you're older." Have you guys ever had a coach insist that an older (middle school or high school for example) pitcher remove one of those bright potentially-distracting masks and put on a more uniform colored mask? Or maybe they had something distracting attached to the mask? Obviously, most older kids grow out of those crazy masks as they get older, but is this just sort of an urban legend? I've looked at the NFHS rule book, and it just mentions clothing, not the mask.
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