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Old Tue Apr 25, 2017, 04:52am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
I have the list of all proposed changes. I'll post it later tonight.
I have no knowledge at this time of which passed and which didn't.
List of proposed rule changes for consideration by the NFHS committee:
1. Increase coaching box from 14 to 28 feet.
2. Increase the coaching box as a state adoption.
3. Add language to 1-13-3 to clarify that bench personnel and players are to be in the time-out area during TOs and intermissions other than halftime.
4. Implement two-handed foul reporting instead of one.
5. Revert to the home team wearing light jerseys instead of white.
6. Restrictions on what identifying names may be placed on jerseys.
7. Specify which names may be placed where on the jerseys.
8. Sleeves and tights shall be black or white.
9. Ditto
10. Headbands and wristbands shall be black or white.
11. A rewording of the undershirt rule for clarity.
12. An attempt to change the TC and backcourt violation conflict. (IMO the language offered is incorrect and will only create further confusion.)
13. Fouls counted by quarter instead of halves. 1-1 on 5th and 6th. 2FTs on 7 and more fouls. OT is part of the 4th quarter and the fouls do NOT reset.
14. Eliminate the closely-guarded count.
15. An elbow in movement, but not excessive, making contact above the shoulders is an intentional foul.
16. Add a definition for inadvertent whistle.
17. Create an official behavior warning for coaches and bench personnel which gets reported and recorded in the book.
18. TOs by players only unless the ball is dead.
19. Ditto
20. An attempt to clarify the backcourt rule. (IMO the language used only creates more confusion.)
21. Allow a 30-second shot clock by state adoption.
22. The head coach is penalized with a direct T if a player wears illegal apparel or an illegal uniform while participating.
23. Ditto
24. Fouls by quarter. Eliminate the 1-1. 2FTs on the fifth foul and more. Doesn't specify about OT.
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