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Old Sun Apr 23, 2017, 10:17pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by RefCT View Post
In CT, all officials are members of the local IAABO board that serves the town where they reside. If you work in a different area and want to officiate there, you have to become a dual member and still have the board serving your home town as your home board. There are many officials that belong to their home board and officiate for a different board through the dual membership option.
In some parts of Connecticut, it's becoming more difficult to live in one assigning area (usually by county) and officiate in another assigning area. Thirty years ago it was very common to be such a "dual" member, which allowed an official who lives in one area to officiate games in another area; where he works, where he grew up, where he first started officiating, where he went to college, etc. That's starting to change. My local board no longer allows "dual" members, other than those who have been grandfathered in. If you want to officiate in my little corner of Connecticut, you must reside in my little corner of Connecticut. I don't believe that it's a statewide policy, but rather, is handled by each local board.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Mon Apr 24, 2017 at 06:18am.
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