Originally Posted by BSBAL18
Couple questions i am throwing into one thread...High SChool baseball rules
Aa) Delayed dead ball situation. Is there a signal an ump should make to inform coaches/players/etc that a delayed dead ball is in effect?
Ab) R1 on first running towards 2nd on a line drive to left field, the 2B hinders his run and he has to slow down and alter his pace, so obstruction on 2B, but there is no play. End of play, R1 safely at 3rd. Since the obstruction happened on the first base side of 2nd, is this a no call? or does the obstruction get tacked on at the end of the play and R1 is awarded one base (home)?
Ba) Count 1-1, runner on first. Batter swings and hits catchers mitt on the followthru. This is batter interference, but the runner was not stealing (no play to interfere with), so this is a no-call, correct?
Bb) Count 1-1, no runner. Batter swings and hits catchers mitt during his swing (NOT the followthru) and this is catchers interference. is that automatic interference call and batter takes first base?
Really looking for catcher INt vs batter INT, and if there is no play out in the field to be had, then no batter interference to be called, but catchers int is automatic dead ball, batter gets awarded first base and any other runners return to base Time of Pitch, unless of course there is a runner on first who will be sent to 2nd since the batter is taking first base.
Aa) There is no standard delayed dead ball sign since every infraction that results in a DD situation has it's own mechanic.
Signal obstruction or interference by pointing at the guilty party and verbalized the proper call of either "That's Obstruction" or "That's Interference!"
Ab) Signal obstruction and wait until all play has ceased. Now you award him any base that will nullify the obstruction, which in this situation I would leave him at 3B.
I would only award him home if I felt that is where he would have safely advanced if the obs had not occurred.
In HS obstruction is always a minimum of a one base award.
Ba) In HS backswing interference is an out and the ball is dead.
In OBR. the ball is dead with no penalty. If it is the 3rd strike batter is out. Any runners who advanced are sent back to the base they occupied at time of pitch.
In regular batters interference the infraction is ignored if catcher throws the runner out.
If not then ball is dead, batter out and runners return.
If it is strike 3 you also call out the runner if you think the catcher had a good chance of putting him out. ( HS only)
In OBR both the batter and runner are called out no matter what.
B.b) HS calls this catchers obstruction and it is a delayed dead ball.
If the batter and all runners advance one base it is ignored.
Otherwise the batter advances to 1B and forced runners advance one base.
However, the offensive coach has the choice of taking the obstruction award or the results of the play.