Thread: Last Night
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Old Wed Apr 05, 2017, 01:36pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
I hate to defend this ... as it's ridiculous, but you can have a hold (in basketball) without the player grasping with his fingers, can't you? Wouldn't putting your arms out and preventing a player from going past you be considered a hold ... without it being "grabbing"?

(I would note than in neither case ... grasping or not grasping, I would never call a normal hold as an intentional foul, as bucky suggests).
I was thinking similarly.

I too would not call a "normal hold" intentional. Not sure where I suggested that but whateves.

And as far as "pinning" someone's arm, why do I need to call that a "hold"? Why not illegal use of hands? Or, by definition, go ahead and call hold, but that does not make it intentional.

Someone listed the definition of hold, which differs from that in basketball, at least NCCAM. Holding is simply interfering with freedom of movement, very similar to the definition of blocking. So, interfering with freedom of movement, looks to me to not necessarily involve grabbing.

And, yes MD, comes down to semantics. I feel it does fit as described in the rule book. Have to agree to disagree. Not sure why everyone is wasting time on this.
If some rules are never enforced, then why do they exist?

Last edited by bucky; Wed Apr 05, 2017 at 01:40pm.
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