Thread: Last Night
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Old Wed Apr 05, 2017, 01:20pm
bucky bucky is offline
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Originally Posted by Adam View Post
What's the difference between a hold and a grab? It seems you're trying to make a distinction here.
That is what I was thinking about your line of questioning, that you are trying to make some distinction. Not sure where you are going with it.


Yes, there is a distinction imo. I grab is a conscious closing of the hand around something, like a wrist, jersey, etc. It can't be accidental. Are all holds grabs? No. Are all grabs hold? Yes. Some holds are too difficult to consider intentional. If someone grabs a jersey though, then it seems obvious, not only what they were doing, but also there intent. Looks as if it comes down to semantics again. Shocker.

Just my opinion.
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