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Old Tue Apr 04, 2017, 03:30pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Location: Glendale, AZ
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I think this rule is most appropriate here:

12.19.2 Interference by Runners Physical contact by the runner with a fielder attempting to field a fair batted ball or a foul ball that might become fair shall be interference, provided the fielder had a reasonable chance to make a play and was prevented from doing so.

Note: If both players’ actions are appropriate to the situation and contact could not be avoided, it is inadvertent contact and neither interference nor obstruction.
The emphasis is how it appears in the rule book.

IMO, the drawn in infield and moving back towards the ball and the runner moving towards the outfield as the ball is being played is "appropriate to the situation". I think no call is correct.
What?!?!? Nothing in that rule about "making a throw"?

I'm really disappointed in the ESPN announcers quoting something "from the rule book" that is inaccurate......

I agree with BS....I see a big fat nothing on this play...
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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