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Old Sat Apr 01, 2017, 11:06am
hit4power hit4power is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 20 guys are pointing the rule that I eventually found and so I was confused when...

In real time the PU called the batter out. OC comes out to discuss and then PU huddles with BU's for quite some time. At the end of their discussion, both OC and DC are called in for further discussion. OC is then sent to dugout for a rule book. With rule book the three umpires huddle again. Following that huddle, batter is again ruled out. I could not stick around for the full game so I don't know if an explanation was ever provided to the broadcast booth.

I don't think there is any way the INT could be judged as intentional as the batter was never looking back at F2 to see what was happening. She swung through, then brought the bat back and had it more or less down at her waist with both hands still on it when the contact occurred. Only then did she seem to realize what had happened and took off to 1B.
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