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Old Fri Mar 31, 2017, 10:14am
MT 73 MT 73 is offline
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Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
A) You should not be having a conversation with coach at this play at all.
B) Neither of you should have interference.
C) BU should have signaled and called obstruction.

PS - what is this "ASA" of which you speak?
Yes, which is why my partner-- who did not call anything--let me have it after the game.
And rightfully so.
Then again, had he signaled obstruction it would have made it clear to me that he did, in fact, see something.
As they say, live and learn.
As to ASA -- the last time our association issued us a rule book was 2015.
I just joined a new umpire organization that covers travel ball and see that the new book is now titled USA.
Yes MD Longhorn, I do mainly baseball and in baseball (with the sole exception of Federation Ball ) the fielder can be in the process of fielding a thrown ball and not be guilty of obstruction.
What mainly confused me was the crash rule but after consulting the rule book I see that only applies if the fielder has the ball and is ready to make a tag.
Again thanks to all for the excellent feedback.
PS.-- I work for NYC PSAL and we have a ruling about thrown bats but I will have to call our assignor because I forgot.
I will also see if we have a local rule about crashing into a fielder if contact can be avoided.

Last edited by MT 73; Fri Mar 31, 2017 at 10:27am.
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