Tue Mar 28, 2017, 04:21pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 1,966
Originally Posted by JRutledge
I have a way to solve a lot of the "how you run" situation. Do not be fat!!! If you want to be seen as someone that cannot run, then get in the gym, push away the big plates, eat better and then when these kids are running fast, no one will suggest that you cannot keep up. I have been doing this for over 20 years and the one thing I cannot ever worry about people saying about me is that I was too big and could not keep up. And it is based on many choices in life and what I do in the off season. And I was not happy BTW with my overall fitness this year, but I did some things to improve it. But we have many high school officials that look like the plumber that cannot pull his pants up and then complain when they are passed over by a guy that runs and looks like he or she can play. Control what you can control, but this is something you can control on so many levels.
In my state, the plumber official will get chosen over the fit one if he does better on the state exam.