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Old Mon Feb 20, 2017, 10:43am
Pantherdreams Pantherdreams is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: NB/PEI, Canada
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I am ok with all three calls.

1. That's a tough play but the right call. Not convinced I would have gotten it right and based on the block shot might have passed on it all together as it was so close.

2. Right call but as others have stated could be perceived as soft.

3. She's moving backwards into and under a player shooting the ball. I'm ok with this too. As I mentioned in a previous post in my new league if I don't get this then I would have partner(s) running in to get it for me and talking to me at half.
Coach: Hey ref I'll make sure you can get out of here right after the game!

Me: Thanks, but why the big rush.

Coach: Oh I thought you must have a big date . . .we're not the only ones your planning on F$%&ing tonite are we!
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