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IRISHMAFIA Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:50pm

Additional Notes from Umpire Committee
ASA Properties

New pull-over jacket with two thin powder blue stripes on the shoulder. Elastic waistband. Water repellent, but geared more toward wind resistant. Zippers from neck to chest with a "pouch" pocket in front. With or without logo is available. This is a jacket, not just a shell. These seem to be a little heavier than the present jacket.

Shirt will stay the same. They are testing a new material which is a lighter pattern but may not hold up.

Diamond Umpire Field Bag for use on the fence or backstop. You can find this on

Rule Book

The rule book and umpire manual may come in this year in two separate publications. At the same time, there will be only one rule book, not an umpire and team edition

Andy Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:46am

Liked the jacket, but in my area, it's difficult to justify a $60 expense for something I might only need for a month or so out of the year.

Did not like the logo on the jacket as much..just the ASA in wihite with no border. It looks too gaudy to me. Much prefer the logao outlined in powder blue to not make it so garish.

NCASAUmp Tue Nov 08, 2011 08:39am

Did they say when the jackets would be available?

Not that it matters to me right now. My last game of the year is tomorrow night, though we keep starting our spring season earlier and earlier...

umpirebob71 Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:26am

I really hope that the ASA comes out with new fabric for their shirts. The ones we have now breath about as well as cast iron, and are nearly unwearable in high heat and humididty.

NCASAUmp Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:33am


Originally Posted by umpirebob71 (Post 797564)
I really hope that the ASA comes out with new fabric for their shirts. The ones we have now breath about as well as cast iron, and are nearly unwearable in high heat and humididty.

I agree. I always wear the Under Armour shirts underneath my powder blues, and that helps a lot. I don't get the heat rash after tourneys like I used to.

CecilOne Tue Nov 08, 2011 01:02pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 797517)
ASA Properties

New pull-over jacket with two thin powder blue stripes on the shoulder. Elastic waistband. Water repellent, but geared more toward wind resistant. Zippers from neck to chest with a "pouch" pocket in front. With or without logo is available. This is a jacket, not just a shell. These seem to be a little heavier than the present jacket.

Mandated??? :rolleyes:

IRISHMAFIA Tue Nov 08, 2011 02:09pm


Originally Posted by CecilOne (Post 797574)
Mandated??? :rolleyes:

At nationals, probably

IRISHMAFIA Tue Nov 08, 2011 02:11pm


Originally Posted by umpirebob71 (Post 797564)
I really hope that the ASA comes out with new fabric for their shirts. The ones we have now breath about as well as cast iron, and are nearly unwearable in high heat and humididty.

No, yes, maybe.

They have been looking, but cannot find anything as durable, according to them. Too many pill up or just wear quickly to the point that they wouldn't last a season.

They are continuing to look.

RKBUmp Tue Nov 08, 2011 02:48pm

I havent found the current material to be all that durable. If you accidentally get any velcro from your plate equipment against it, especially your mask it snags the fabric badly.

NCASAUmp Tue Nov 08, 2011 03:07pm


Originally Posted by RKBUmp (Post 797599)
I havent found the current material to be all that durable. If you accidentally get any velcro from your plate equipment against it, especially your mask it snags the fabric badly.

I have shirts that are easily going on 3-4 years of constant use without issue.

LIUmp Tue Nov 08, 2011 04:16pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 797565)
I agree. I always wear the Under Armour shirts underneath my powder blues, and that helps a lot. I don't get the heat rash after tourneys like I used to.

In your tourneys, I wouldn't worry as much about the heat rash as I would heat stroke!

PM me or FB me when you can NC....

NCASAUmp Tue Nov 08, 2011 04:18pm


Originally Posted by LIUmp (Post 797605)
In your tourneys, I wouldn't worry as much about the heat rash as I would heat stroke!

PM me or FB me when you can NC....

True, but I start hydrating myself for tourneys at least a week in advance.

Check your PM box. :)

Andy Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:13am


Originally Posted by umpirebob71 (Post 797564)
I really hope that the ASA comes out with new fabric for their shirts. The ones we have now breath about as well as cast iron, and are nearly unwearable in high heat and humididty.

The gentlemen from ASA Properties that spoke at the committee meeting noted that this has been a much requested item by the umpires. As Irish noted, the issue is durability vs price.

There are materials out there that have moisture wicking properties and are much lighter weight, but the cost of the shirt would increase signifigantly, and again, the durability issue comes up. they don't want to put a new shirt our there that costs more, but doesn't last as long. As an example, I purchased a new shirt with my HS association logo, it is much lighter weight, but costs twice as much as the ASA shirt.

The other thing to remember is that ASA has not raised the price of the shirt since it was introduced.

BretMan Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:05pm


Originally Posted by Andy (Post 797689)
As an example, I purchased a new shirt with my HS association logo, it is much lighter weight, but costs twice as much as the ASA shirt.

Some of that higher price may be due to the licensing agreement with the state HS athletic association. (And maybe some price gouging by the retailer).

In these parts, the HS logo is mandatory on shirts. I can buy a Cliff Keen shirt with the logo for $45. The same shirt without the logo is $35. Or, I can buy a Smitty's brand shirt (very lightweight, soft and comfortable) with the logo for $40. The same shirt without the logo can be found for $25-$30.

And there is one retailer that for the past few years has offered the Smitty shirts, with the state logo, at a "pre-season" sale price of $25!

My ASA shirts are cheap ($25), have proven durable and look good even after a few seasons. They are not nearly as soft, breathable or comfortable as other shirts I have. The fit is tighter than than other shirts of the same size, the sleeves tend to ride up on me and the collars seem too big and "flappy". But they do seem nearly bullet-proof- I'll give you that!

The lighter brand shirts with the wicking material that I have seem to be holding up fine. Personally, I would be willing to spend a little more for a better fitting, more comfortable shirt.

Dakota Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:30pm

Would it kill them to offer a choice? Or to license the major brands (e.g. CK, etc.) to add the logo?

All this alleged worrying about durability of the shirts... what about those heather gray Flechs that fade to pink inside 2 years? How about paying some attention to THAT?

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