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ASA/NYSSOBLUE Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:24am

This Ranks Right Up (or is it down?)There.....
Heard a new one tonight that left me speechless....

35+ mens league....a weird combination of FP and SP - they use a Clincher for their ball, for example ....the play gets sloppy at times, and so you sometimes get caught a little out of position.

Anyways - R1 is going into second on what should be a routine force...ball gets thrown away, and he starts for 3rd. I am PU and was a touch slow going up to 3B, and the throw comes in, and I bang R1 out on a close one. Of course he started arguing - but this was his argument:

"Hey Blue, some of us are playing hard out here, and you got to give us some calls - Just because it LOOKS like I was out, doesn't mean you have to CALL me out!!! :eek::confused: :o

I had no answer for that one.....

argodad Sun Jul 17, 2011 07:43am


Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE (Post 773101)

"Hey Blue, some of us are playing hard out here, and you got to give us some calls - Just because it LOOKS like I was out, doesn't mean you have to CALL me out!!! :eek::confused: :o

I had no answer for that one.....

No, I called you out because you WERE out! :cool:

ASA/NYSSOBLUE Sun Jul 17, 2011 07:52am


Originally Posted by argodad (Post 773123)
No, I called you out because you WERE out! :cool:

I was way to tired to think of that at that time.....:rolleyes:

I WAS able to use the 'the strike zone changes after midnight' one, though :eek: - even though it was probably 'only' 11:30 :p

derwil Sun Jul 17, 2011 04:55pm

Actually, it looked like you were safe. I called you out 'cause you're an ***hole!

Andy Mon Jul 18, 2011 09:37am

Along the same lines....
Working a Men's FP tourney a couple of weeks ago. I have known and called many games for the pitcher for team A.

About the fifth inning, he is getting frustrated with his defense not helping him, errors in the infield, dropped balls in the outfield, etc, and he walks a batter...

He yells at me...."I'm not that good of a pitcher Andy, you've got to give me those corners!"

My reply..."A foot off of the plate is not a corner...bring it in to about six inches and we'll talk!"

At that point, he removed himself from the game (voluntarily).

outathm Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:36pm


Originally Posted by derwil (Post 773204)
Actually, it looked like you were safe. I called you out 'cause you're an ***hole!

The ***hole tax will get you every time. Just like a coach starting an argument with " I used to umpire and ..." Not the way to get on my good side, LOL

IRISHMAFIA Tue Jul 19, 2011 06:33am


Originally Posted by outathm (Post 773424)
The ***hole tax will get you every time. Just like a coach starting an argument with " I used to umpire and ..." Not the way to get on my good side, LOL

Well, most of the time there are good reasons the coach "used" to umpire, but no longer does. Either he wasn't in shape to do so, couldn't stand the political side that didn't suit him or, and most likely the case, couldn't stand *******s like himself. :rolleyes:

outathm Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:46am

Irish, I think the last reason should be listed first if you are placing them in order of merit. I am sure I will hear my favorite line at least once this coming week.

IRISHMAFIA Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:59am


Originally Posted by outathm (Post 773550)
Irish, I think the last reason should be listed first if you are placing them in order of merit. I am sure I will hear my favorite line at least once this coming week.

People who tell me they "used to umpire" become instant targets for recruitment and I will ask them right then and there if they are interested in coming back, as we always need good umpires. :rolleyes: That usually shuts them down 'cause they are now frantically searching for a response that will not make them seem more foolish than the original comment.;) OTOH, if they say yes, I immediately hand them my card and tell them to call me :D

Of course, it took me all these years to come up with these type of responses. I better write them down before the mind goes!

Big Slick Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:16pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 773556)
OTOH, if they say yes, I immediately hand them my card and tell them to call me :D

Now that would scare a hungry dog off a garbage pile! :p

tcannizzo Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:09pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 773478)
Well, most of the time there are good reasons the coach "used" to umpire, but no longer does. Either he wasn't in shape to do so, couldn't stand the political side that didn't suit him or, and most likely the case, couldn't stand *******s like himself. :rolleyes:

For the sake of defending some that might have different reasons, how about this as a legit reason: His daughter is now playing age and is dedicated to his family? Same reason some say, "I used to play golf on Saturdays". :( Having been on both sides of the ball, I agree completely that telling me you used to be an umpire, doesn't help you with me.

IRISHMAFIA Wed Jul 20, 2011 07:11am


Originally Posted by tcannizzo (Post 773636)
For the sake of defending some that might have different reasons, how about this as a legit reason: His daughter is now playing age and is dedicated to his family? Same reason some say, "I used to play golf on Saturdays". :( Having been on both sides of the ball, I agree completely that telling me you used to be an umpire, doesn't help you with me.

And umpiring stops you from being dedicated to the family? That money one earns could very well be the difference in the daughter (who is there is an athletic scholarship, it will most likely be partial) attending the preferred or another college. :) Or fund college for the other offspring that isn't athletically inclined to get into a decent school.

Just because your child is playing ball does not mean one needs to stop umpiring. There are other games out there besides her team's or league's. Not only does is earn a little extra money, it also keeps the individual in the game, aware of the "real" rules and interpretations and, in some instances, makes one feel more useful as an observer or coach when involved in DD's games.

My point is that one should try to keep a hand in it even if doing nothing more than attending clinics and working a friendly or two, maybe even some SP where you will learn what it is really like to hustle.:D

argodad Wed Jul 20, 2011 09:00am


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 773714)
And umpiring stops you from being dedicated to the family? That money one earns could very well be the difference in the daughter (who is there is an athletic scholarship, it will most likely be partial) attending the preferred or another college. :) Or fund college for the other offspring that isn't athletically inclined to get into a decent school.

Just because your child is playing ball does not mean one needs to stop umpiring. There are other games out there besides her team's or league's. Not only does is earn a little extra money, it also keeps the individual in the game, aware of the "real" rules and interpretations and, in some instances, makes one feel more useful as an observer or coach when involved in DD's games.

My point is that one should try to keep a hand in it even if doing nothing more than attending clinics and working a friendly or two, maybe even some SP where you will learn what it is really like to hustle.:D

Not to speak for Tony, but I also virtually stopped umpiring while DD was playing HS and summer ball. I kept the skills up by working practice situations and friendly scrimmages. But those summer weekends on the road were worth more to me than money. Once she started college ball I increased my HS and college schedule (around her college schedule) and went back to summer ball. :cool:

CecilOne Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:38am


Originally Posted by outathm (Post 773424)
The ***hole tax will get you every time. Just like a coach starting an argument with " I used to umpire and ..." Not the way to get on my good side, LOL

Or anything that includes "footprint" ;)

MDUmp Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:19pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 773714)
And umpiring stops you from being dedicated to the family? That money one earns could very well be the difference in the daughter (who is there is an athletic scholarship, it will most likely be partial) attending the preferred or another college. :) Or fund college for the other offspring that isn't athletically inclined to get into a decent school.

Just because your child is playing ball does not mean one needs to stop umpiring. There are other games out there besides her team's or league's. Not only does is earn a little extra money, it also keeps the individual in the game, aware of the "real" rules and interpretations and, in some instances, makes one feel more useful as an observer or coach when involved in DD's games.

My point is that one should try to keep a hand in it even if doing nothing more than attending clinics and working a friendly or two, maybe even some SP where you will learn what it is really like to hustle.:D

Some of us, believe it or not, enjoy watching our kids play. :eek:

I still attend the clinics in the Winter. I still take the high school test every year. I just don't want to miss my daughter playing.

For the record, I do SP two nights a week when her schedule allows it.

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