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NCASAUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 08:01am

When is "too late?"

Yesterday, had a sitch that had me wondering...

Two outs, bottom of 7th, score is 14-12, and there's a runner on 2B. The next batter is known for knocking them out of the park, and he steps into the batter's box. There's some back and forth on the defense about whether they should put him on, and in the end, the pitcher says to me, "put him on."

As the runner gets to about 10 feet from home plate, the DC realizes that the other team has already hit their limit, and that it would be better to pitch to that batter.

Once I've already been informed of the intentional walk, can the batter be brought back to the plate prior to him reaching 1B?

My statement to the coach was, "no, coach, I was informed of the intentional walk, and I've already awarded him 1B."

CecilOne Mon Jun 14, 2010 09:13am


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 681800)
My statement to the coach was, "no, coach, I was informed of the intentional walk, and I've already awarded him 1B."

Good for you!

KJUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 09:56am

Rules Supplement
32. Intentional Walk (Slow Pitch)

......"and the intentional walk starts by the defensive team notifying the plate umpire of their intent."

Sorry, DC...too late.
Nice job on not allowing them to reverse their decision to issue the intentional walk.
Not much different than them informing you of a substitution, and you've entered it on your lineup card and/or informed the official scorer/opposing team.

Somewhat similar sitch last weekend in a 12u tournament. Coin flip, red team is heads, coin comes up heads, I ask red team what is their choice, red HC asks one of his two captains "what do we want to be home or away?" Captain#1 says "Away." Look of horror comes over red HC's face as he glares at capt.#1, who then says.."no, no, I meant home, we want to be home."
Red HC looks at me (still in shock), and I say, "OK, red team is the away team and will be batting first. White, you're home. Coaches, let's get them out there, have a good game."
Red HC then says, "Come on ump, you know she made a mistake." My reply, "Coach, all I do know is that you get a choice when you win the flip, her choice when asked by you was AWAY. You get one opportunity to chose, not two."
Coaches will say and ask the darndest things.

NCASAUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:00am


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 681822)
Rules Supplement
32. Intentional Walk (Slow Pitch)

......"and the intentional walk starts by the defensive team notifying the plate umpire of their intent."

Sorry, DC...too late.
Nice job on not allowing them to reverse their decision to issue the intentional walk.
Not much different than them informing you of a substitution, and you've entered it on your lineup card and/or informed the official scorer/opposing team.

Somewhat similar sitch last weekend in a 12u tournament. Coin flip, red team is heads, coin comes up heads, I ask red team what is their choice, red HC asks one of his two captains "what do we want to be home or away?" Captain#1 says "Away." Look of horror comes over red HC's face as he glares at capt.#1, who then says.."no, no, I meant home, we want to be home."
Red HC looks at me (still in shock), and I say, "OK, red team is the away team and will be batting first. White, you're home. Coaches, let's get them out there, have a good game."
Red HC then says, "Come on ump, you know she made a mistake." My reply, "Coach, all I do know is that you get a choice when you win the flip, her choice when asked by you was AWAY. You get one opportunity to chose, not two."
Coaches will say and ask the darndest things.

I don't know if I would have forced them to stick with their blunder. Unlike the situation I presented, no one is in jeopardy.

It's not like you asked them their favorite color... "Blue, no, red, AHHHHH!!!!" :D

Stu Clary Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:20am

Sorry, KJ, but but in my opinion that's a case of Over Officiatiating.

NCASAUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:26am

Anyway, thanks for the input, guys. I've never had a pitcher try to undo an intentional walk. Usually, they drag out the process so much when deciding whether or not to do it, once they finally decide to do it, by golly, they're going to do it! :D

And since their announcement of intentionally walking the batter automatically made him a batter-runner, I did not feel right in allowing them to hit the "undo" button.

darkside Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:53am


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 681822)
Rules Supplement
32. Intentional Walk (Slow Pitch)

......"and the intentional walk starts by the defensive team notifying the plate umpire of their intent."

Sorry, DC...too late.
Nice job on not allowing them to reverse their decision to issue the intentional walk.
Not much different than them informing you of a substitution, and you've entered it on your lineup card and/or informed the official scorer/opposing team.

Somewhat similar sitch last weekend in a 12u tournament. Coin flip, red team is heads, coin comes up heads, I ask red team what is their choice, red HC asks one of his two captains "what do we want to be home or away?" Captain#1 says "Away." Look of horror comes over red HC's face as he glares at capt.#1, who then says.."no, no, I meant home, we want to be home."
Red HC looks at me (still in shock), and I say, "OK, red team is the away team and will be batting first. White, you're home. Coaches, let's get them out there, have a good game."
Red HC then says, "Come on ump, you know she made a mistake." My reply, "Coach, all I do know is that you get a choice when you win the flip, her choice when asked by you was AWAY. You get one opportunity to chose, not two."
Coaches will say and ask the darndest things.

Reminds me of a similar situation in the NFL several years back where the team captain, instead of saying "defer" and kick off that half, he said, "We want to kick the ball!" So they got to kick the ball both halves. :D

KJUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 04:15pm


Originally Posted by Stu Clary (Post 681827)
Sorry, KJ, but but in my opinion that's a case of Over Officiatiating.

Absolutely a fair point. And I am not by nature anywhere close to being an's just not my style.

Here was the thing though, it was a tourney elimination game. What would I have done if I had let the red team change their choice, and the white team HC complained? That was the one thing thing that came to my mind when it became obvious that the red team captain had blundered.

I guess if I had let the red team change their choice, and the white HC disagreed, he always could have lodged a protest with the TD.

I'm not trying to make a case here for my decision as to how I dealt with the sitch as being the "right way" to handle it. For all I know, I could have been 100% dead wrong. But I did have to make a decision on the spot. This wasn't about looking for a nit to pick.

Being as how I can't find anything (yet) in either the ASA Rule Book, Case Book, or Umpire's Clinic Manual covering the proper procedure for coin flips; the question I'll throw out to the board is....what should we do if there is some kind of mess-up during a coin flip? What is the best/proper way to handle it?
Opinions please. Citations/references if you have any that are pertinent.

MD Longhorn Mon Jun 14, 2010 04:19pm


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 681822)
Somewhat similar sitch last weekend in a 12u tournament. Coin flip, red team is heads, coin comes up heads, I ask red team what is their choice, red HC asks one of his two captains "what do we want to be home or away?" Captain#1 says "Away." Look of horror comes over red HC's face as he glares at capt.#1, who then says.."no, no, I meant home, we want to be home."
Red HC looks at me (still in shock), and I say, "OK, red team is the away team and will be batting first. White, you're home. Coaches, let's get them out there, have a good game."
Red HC then says, "Come on ump, you know she made a mistake." My reply, "Coach, all I do know is that you get a choice when you win the flip, her choice when asked by you was AWAY. You get one opportunity to chose, not two."

Wow. Harsh. Not sure I'd have gone that way. I'm not sure anything regarding the coin flip is in the book - so we're kind of making up our own rules on that. Unlike the OP.

MD Longhorn Mon Jun 14, 2010 04:26pm


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 681896)
What is the best/proper way to handle it?
Opinions please. Citations/references if you have any that are pertinent.

I think that there's no "proper" way, as there's no rules here. But if you want references, I can tell you that thousands of football referees have had a 6th grader say, "We want to kick off" and corrected them "Are you sure you don't want to defer?" Several times a season. I don't think you can be faulted for what you did - like you say, you had to decide on the spot.

But as to your worry about a protest, exactly what rule would they win this protest by? Does it actually say anywhere that the first word uttered by any player on the coin-flip-winning side is binding? If anything, the girl's utterance was her answer TO HER COACH when he asked her what SHE wanted. You never got an answer from the coach. (Honestly, I'm not sure I'd have enforced a coach for saying it wrong either... but you at least have a ready-made fix with the girl saying it).

NCASAUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 04:55pm

Not to mention the fact that at this point, nothing has happened. No one has stepped up to bat, no plays have been made, no pitches have been delivered.

If a coach comes up to me during the game and says, "Blue, I want to enter #24 into the game. Wait, I mean #25," I'm not going to force him to put #24 into that spot and then substitute #25 in for #24.

KJUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 05:00pm


Originally Posted by mbcrowder (Post 681904)
I think that there's no "proper" way, as there's no rules here. But if you want references, I can tell you that thousands of football referees have had a 6th grader say, "We want to kick off" and corrected them "Are you sure you don't want to defer?" Several times a season. I don't think you can be faulted for what you did - like you say, you had to decide on the spot.

But as to your worry about a protest, exactly what rule would they win this protest by? Does it actually say anywhere that the first word uttered by any player on the coin-flip-winning side is binding? If anything, the girl's utterance was her answer TO HER COACH when he asked her what SHE wanted. You never got an answer from the coach. (Honestly, I'm not sure I'd have enforced a coach for saying it wrong either... but you at least have a ready-made fix with the girl saying it).

Good point.
The red even better point.

KJUmp Mon Jun 14, 2010 05:22pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 681906)
Not to mention the fact that at this point, nothing has happened. No one has stepped up to bat, no plays have been made, no pitches have been delivered.

If a coach comes up to me during the game and says, "Blue, I want to enter #24 into the game. Wait, I mean #25," I'm not going to force him to put #24 into that spot and then substitute #25 in for #24.

Agree, nothing has happened. That being said, is that an adequate and proper answer to the white team HC if he starts to complain?

The substitution comparison is a good one. Again, let me state for the record I am not looking to force a coach to do something that he either did not intend to do or can't legally do regarding substitutions. Good line-up card/substitution management on the part of the PU dictates that we repeat the change to the coach to make sure that is the change that what he wants, BEFORE we report it to the official scorer or the other team. But like your sitch, there is a defined point where the sub (or the intentional walk) is official.

Another comparison might be when a coach has a "result of the play" option
that could occur on an IP or a catcher's obstruction sitch.
Now, unlike my sitch, "stuff has happened." But again the question is, once the coach indicates his choice, can he change it?

umpirebob71 Mon Jun 14, 2010 05:40pm

I would agree with the statement that the girls answered the coaches question, not yours. That would be my out with the other coach, should he complain.

IRISHMAFIA Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:10pm


Originally Posted by darkside (Post 681834)
Reminds me of a similar situation in the NFL several years back where the team captain, instead of saying "defer" and kick off that half, he said, "We want to kick the ball!" So they got to kick the ball both halves. :D

And in spite of all the criticism, Phil Luckett was 100% correct. The putz for the Steelers changed his selection with the coin in the air. The NFL rules basically instruct game officials to accept first utterance. The Steelers player thought he was being smart.

But instead of the official being supported by Jerry Siemen and the NFL, he was given a pass with pay for his playoff assignment that year. Talk about a gutless reaction by the NFL.

Almost as bad as the TH we have to endure to watch softball on TV.

New Blue Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:29pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 681823)
I don't know if I would have forced them to stick with their blunder. Unlike the situation I presented, no one is in jeopardy.

It's not like you asked them their favorite color... "Blue, no, red, AHHHHH!!!!" :D

So the effect in this case is to be cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril? Is that true in all rule sets?

IRISHMAFIA Tue Jun 15, 2010 07:08am

Here is what it is.

Both teams have all day to figure out their response should they be asked the question. There are only two possible answers and the person RESPONSIBLE for informing the umpire of that PREDETERMINED decision should know which answer is to be offered.

As an umpire, we have a responsibility to BOTH teams and are not there to protect the ones that are lacking in the intelligence it takes to pick a or b.

Instead of blaming the umpire for not being that RESPONSIBLE individual's guardian angel, the team should be talking to the idiot who made the mistake and remember, it was THEY who selective that person to deliver the message.

NCASAUmp Tue Jun 15, 2010 07:34am


Originally Posted by New Blue (Post 681945)
So the effect in this case is to be cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril? Is that true in all rule sets?

Pretty much. Especially in YSISF rules.

NCASAUmp Tue Jun 15, 2010 07:43am


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 681913)
Agree, nothing has happened. That being said, is that an adequate and proper answer to the white team HC if he starts to complain?

The substitution comparison is a good one. Again, let me state for the record I am not looking to force a coach to do something that he either did not intend to do or can't legally do regarding substitutions. Good line-up card/substitution management on the part of the PU dictates that we repeat the change to the coach to make sure that is the change that what he wants, BEFORE we report it to the official scorer or the other team. But like your sitch, there is a defined point where the sub (or the intentional walk) is official.

Another comparison might be when a coach has a "result of the play" option
that could occur on an IP or a catcher's obstruction sitch.
Now, unlike my sitch, "stuff has happened." But again the question is, once the coach indicates his choice, can he change it?

The difference between your situation and mine is that there is a rule that explicitly tells me the status of that batter, who has now instantly become a batter-runner by being awarded 1B. The rules clearly dictate what happens in this specific situation, and I'm obligated to enforce them as written.

In your case, however, there is nothing in the ASA rule book that covers a "proper" coin toss. Do you flip it with your thumb? Toss it from your hand? Who calls it?

Should there be something written in stone from ASA? No, of course not, and I don't believe there ever should be. Use good judgment out there. If they immediately correct their mistake, I'm not going to force them to stick with the first thing they said.

Besides, doing so could come back to bite us. If a runner from the visiting team overslides the base and you initially call "safe," then call the runner out on a tag, I guaran-damn-tee you the "away" coach is going to have a few words with you about sticking with the first thing you said. :D

KJUmp Tue Jun 15, 2010 04:43pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 681964)
The difference between your situation and mine is that there is a rule that explicitly tells me the status of that batter, who has now instantly become a batter-runner by being awarded 1B. The rules clearly dictate what happens in this specific situation, and I'm obligated to enforce them as written.

In your case, however, there is nothing in the ASA rule book that covers a "proper" coin toss. Do you flip it with your thumb? Toss it from your hand? Who calls it?

Should there be something written in stone from ASA? No, of course not, and I don't believe there ever should be. Use good judgment out there. If they immediately correct their mistake, I'm not going to force them to stick with the first thing they said.

Besides, doing so could come back to bite us. If a runner from the visiting team overslides the base and you initially call "safe," then call the runner out on a tag, I guaran-damn-tee you the "away" coach is going to have a few words with you about sticking with the first thing you said. :D

As I said in an earlier reply, "For all I know I could have been 100% wrong." However I do not think for a minute that I did not "use good judgement out there." Something went askew. I had to make a decision at that moment (without having knowledge of any ASA recommended procedure or interp to guide me) using judgement that I felt would be fair to BOTH teams. I don't think you'd get any argument from coaches that a large percentage of the time being home team provides them a distinct advantage.

I think that perhaps at some point, it would not be a bad idea at all for ASA to have a paragraph somewhere in the rule book, the rules supplement, or the clinic guide, that lays out the proper procedure for a coin flip. I mean heck, they sell the darn ASA flipping coins.

NCASAUmp Tue Jun 15, 2010 06:05pm


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 682071)
As I said in an earlier reply, "For all I know I could have been 100% wrong." However I do not think for a minute that I did not "use good judgement out there." Something went askew. I had to make a decision at that moment (without having knowledge of any ASA recommended procedure or interp to guide me) using judgement that I felt would be fair to BOTH teams. I don't think you'd get any argument from coaches that a large percentage of the time being home team provides them a distinct advantage.

KJ, I hope you know that my comment about "good judgment" was not meant to be a slight in any way. I would think that my comments on here would show that I'm not one to give cheap shots across the bow (unless you play the piano). It's merely a reminder to us all that sometimes, rules and procedures are intended to be written documentation of common sense when it comes to fair play.

Could you force them to stick with their initial utterance? Sure, and I think that everyone is completely aware of the concept of "home team advantage." They've had an entire lifetime up until that moment to determine what they should say when they win the coin toss.

However, I don't think that it's out of the question to give a simple, calm verification of "away?" It's quite obviously the coach had a massive brain fart, and I'm not going to allow the coin toss to set the tone of the rest of the game. Nor do I believe that allowing a coach to verify their decision is in any way unfair to the opposing team.

That being said, it's still largely situational. If they realize their mistake after we're already walking away, I'm telling that coach that it's too late.


Originally Posted by KJUmp (Post 682071)
I think that perhaps at some point, it would not be a bad idea at all for ASA to have a paragraph somewhere in the rule book, the rules supplement, or the clinic guide, that lays out the proper procedure for a coin flip. I mean heck, they sell the darn ASA flipping coins.

Maybe, but we'll see. I never thought ASA would ever spell out different ways of altering a bat, nor did I think they would ever publish a "safety guideline" in the rule book.

And yet they did! :)

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