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SRW Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:41am

bkbjones is in the hospital
Bkbjones / John went to the hospital on Wednesday with a minor heart attack. He's ok, and it was able to be treated chemically. He should be discharged Saturday if all goes well.

Anyway, keep him in your thoughts. I visited him today and we watched CC beat up on the Halos. He's in good spirits, schmoozing the cute orderlies and giving crap to everyone else. With his hospital roomate gone for some procedure, we had both tv's on. All we needed was beer and cigars. The RN frowned on that, even after offering her her own. Maybe next time... :)

Stu Clary Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:44am

Get well soon, John.

argodad Sat Oct 17, 2009 08:16am

Take care of yourself, John. I'm planning to join you on the field when I make my next trip to WA.

IRISHMAFIA Sat Oct 17, 2009 08:40am

Heart attack?

Who on this planet had the nerve to attack John's heart? Hope he kicks their *** when he gets out of, hospital (same thing).

SRW Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:03am

Latest news emailed from John:

Quick update...breaking news...looks like I will be in hospital until Wednesday...upon further review, the crap that was gummed up around my stents is still gumming things up. Good news: systolic BP is no longer near boiling point. Bad news: my roomie has been a widower for about three years and talks to his wife in his sleep. Quite sad.

IRISHMAFIA Sun Oct 18, 2009 02:54pm


Originally Posted by SRW (Post 631444)
my roomie has been a widower for about three years and talks to his wife in his sleep. Quite sad.

And how does John know his wife isn't in the room? :confused::rolleyes::cool:

wadeintothem Sun Oct 18, 2009 09:27pm

Take care of yourself john.

Steve M Mon Oct 19, 2009 03:47am

Get well, John.

HugoTafurst Mon Oct 19, 2009 09:02am

Good luck on your recovery

Skahtboi Mon Oct 19, 2009 09:45am

Here's hoping the best for you, John!

bkbjones Wed Oct 21, 2009 06:27pm

Thanks everyone
So next time I tell a UIC, "My partner is killing me out there," maybe they will believe me.

Thank you all for your kind words. u 2 Mike. Actually, prison food is better. My dinner tray Monday night was a potato roll, a scoop of sugar free strawberry sorbet, and a glass of Shasta Diet Lemon Lime.

That was it. "Nutrition Services" got a call, well, more than one call. Next thing ya know, I had "Chicken Italiano" AND a piece of pepperoni pizza. The pepperoni may be the best I have ever had on a pizza or anything else.

Turns out it was a "myocardial infarction." That's what killed my dad almost 46 years ago (a week before JFK was shot), so I guess we have made some advances. All I know is it hurt like hell, even worse than 3 years ago which resulted in a triple bypass.

So...eight days later I am at home. I am exhausted. As you all know, you get limited sleep in the hospital. I need to catch up.

I hope to be back on the diamond. Larry, hoping to work with you too. It would be my pleasure to work with all of you.

And...don't take any of this schist for granite, ok?

IRISHMAFIA Wed Oct 21, 2009 08:57pm


Originally Posted by bkbjones (Post 632216)
So next time I tell a UIC, "My partner is killing me out there," maybe they will believe me.

Let me see, who could have you been working with to cause that? Could he be on this board? :rolleyes:

Stat-Man Fri Oct 23, 2009 05:54pm


Originally Posted by bkbjones (Post 632216)
So next time I tell a UIC, "My partner is killing me out there," maybe they will believe me.

Thank you all for your kind words. u 2 Mike. Actually, prison food is better. My dinner tray Monday night was a potato roll, a scoop of sugar free strawberry sorbet, and a glass of Shasta Diet Lemon Lime.

Gad to see you're back home. Take time to recover and hopefully we will be hearming more of your tales from the trenches. :)

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