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DTQ_Blue Sun Jun 07, 2009 07:10pm

How to get in trouble
Worked with a different "new partner" today and got a clinic about how to get yourself in trouble.

I'm BU and we have a 0-0 game in the 4th inning. He calls strike 1 or 2 on a pitch that looked high and outside; a poor call IMO, but till that point his zone was decent. We all hiccup once in awhile.

First base coach says something about the call and then about this happening every game. He looks like he can keep going on so I from A tell him that's enough. Next pitch he says something else, more of a blowing off steam-type comment than crossing the line, but now the issue is who is going to control the game, us or him, so I essentially tell him, next comment and he's out of the game.

Here is where things began going downhill for my PU. The coach had shut up and we could have resumed the game. Instead my partner comes up the line and begins engaging the coach. Of course then all the parents are on his ***.

Next inning, same team at bat, he calls a girl out on a 3-2 pitch very low and outside, a very bad call IMO. The worst part, and telling about where his head is at, his mechanic couldn't have been more indecisive, long, long, long hesitation, girl is several steps toward first and his right arm goes up with all the self confidence of a rag doll; if there was a verbal, I don't hear it; about as indecisive a strike call as one can make. I'm in C, coach starts toward plate, PU ejects him immediately.

Here's where it got scary for a minute. As he's leaving the field, he picks up the bat of the girl who just got rung up. He holds it out toward PU and says "Do you want this bat?' Of course, I'm thinking that he's going to throw it or worse; he then says "You just took it out of her hands." His assistant tells us after the game that he was trying to fire up his girls. I guess he thought he was Lou Pinella.

I think that by coming out to engage this coach when he didn't have to my partner took his head out of the game. Decent zone for 4 innings with 1 or 2 hiccups, and then a terrible call/mechanic in a crucial situation.

The offended team scored later in that at bat and then closed out the time limit game. I was very glad to get off that field. I don't ever want to take myself out of a game like that.

ronald Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:13pm

I was at the game in the stands behind the plate.

Detour. If you have a partner who is not following at least ASA championship mechanics without a good reason, make sure you take that to one of the at-large reps in the organization if you are reluctant to take it straight to the UIC. She will call that person and support you.

There are a more than two posters on this board from your association.

wadeintothem Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:54am

I also got to sink with a partner today. Thats always fun. I got through it without an ejection, but it was a showcase so coaches were not as apt to do more than token whimpering. Partner wasnt a jerk though; I simply think he had enough sun being on his 10th game of the weekend and he's no spring chicken. He 3K'd a girl on a pitch at her forehead, literally. Coaches didnt even have to exagerate, that is where it was. called a few out at above the ankles.

He had a foul ball. Called it a strike. I see the catcher talking to him, obviously talking about whether it was foul because the girl almost stole then I see him raise his hand again to indicate strike (not dead ball).. no harm though. Next pitch (R1@2B), the girl does steal.. he calls foul ball. Check swing, catcher misses ball. He calls foul ball sends the runner back. I'm in C with my jaw on the ground. A blind man would know it wasnt foul. Coaches/Fans going mildly nuts. He yells at me across the field "Was that a foul ball".

I was stunned, not really sure what to do - I call him over to me. "Ok bro, what do you want from me here?". "Was that a foul ball?" Look bud, that ball wasnt foul. OK so he sends the runner back to 3B. No one on the other team even complained, it was so obvious.

I got into it a little with a coach whos sum of argument was "a step is not a crow hop". :rolleyes:

Great guy - he just isnt making the best calls. I feel bad for him and us because as we were leaving I seemed like a guy who didnt know what a crow hop was to match a guy calling strikes over the head..

Ya sink together..

MichaelVA2000 Wed Jun 10, 2009 01:03pm


Originally Posted by DTQ_Blue (Post 607146)
Worked with a different "new partner" today and got a clinic about how to get yourself in trouble.

What did you discuss with your partner during your post game chat?

dtwsd Wed Jun 10, 2009 01:53pm

I had the old 2 umpire safe/out call this weekend. I'm BU in "C". Ground ball to F6. "Bang Bang" at 1B. I call safe. Split second later partner calls out. I couldn't believe it. I call time as coaches are coming out. Call partner over and tell him its my call. Told same to coaches. Not too much static from the DC as he knew it was my call to begin with.

I just hate it when this happens. It really makes us both look inept. Especially in a tournament final game.

After the game my partner appologized saying it was because he doesn't work many 2 man games and was in 1 man mode.

Dakota Wed Jun 10, 2009 02:14pm


Originally Posted by dtwsd (Post 608074)
....After the game my partner apologized saying it was because he doesn't work many 2 man games and was in 1 man mode.

Actually, that is a common problem around here. Below college level, only HS varsity is 2 man. Just about everything else, from 10U through mens fastpitch is one man. Tournaments many times use 2 man for the championship game. SOME tournaments are starting to use 2 man for some age levels of bracket play. But, still, it is not at all unusual to go pretty much all summer with only a hand full of 2 man games under your belt.

wadeintothem Wed Jun 10, 2009 02:25pm


Originally Posted by Dakota (Post 608084)
Actually, that is a common problem around here. Below college level, only HS varsity is 2 man. Just about everything else, from 10U through mens fastpitch is one man. Tournaments many times use 2 man for the championship game. SOME tournaments are starting to use 2 man for some age levels of bracket play. But, still, it is not at all unusual to go pretty much all summer with only a hand full of 2 man games under your belt.

thats crazy.

Most rec leagues (except slow pitch of course) around here use 2 man even in 10U and _all_ tourneys use 2 man and sometimes 3 for champ games. We are also planning a 3 man tourney for all national umpires to work 3 man the whole tourney to get ready. Fees will be reduced as its split 3 ways, but good practice. VAR is 2 man, JV 1 man.

3afan Wed Jun 10, 2009 02:33pm

.....Just about everything else, from 10U through mens fastpitch is one man. .....

WHY is that? not enuf umps or not wanting to pay for more than 1 ump?

Dakota Wed Jun 10, 2009 02:55pm


Originally Posted by 3afan (Post 608088)
.....Just about everything else, from 10U through mens fastpitch is one man. .....

WHY is that? not enuf umps or not wanting to pay for more than 1 ump?

Money. But it has been that way for a long time, so if all of a sudden every league, tournament, etc., decided to go 2 man, there would not be enough umpires.

dtwsd Wed Jun 10, 2009 02:57pm


Originally Posted by Dakota (Post 608084)
Actually, that is a common problem around here. Below college level, only HS varsity is 2 man. Just about everything else, from 10U through mens fastpitch is one man. Tournaments many times use 2 man for the championship game. SOME tournaments are starting to use 2 man for some age levels of bracket play. But, still, it is not at all unusual to go pretty much all summer with only a hand full of 2 man games under your belt.

This is how it is for our association. We only get 2 man for championship tournament games. That's why I couldn't really be too upset with him. He just had a "brain fart".

It does give us something to train to at our next meeting.

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