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NCASAUmp Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:32pm

Does a parachute come with the ball bag?
So I'm calling some SP games with this new guy. He's played in some of the higher leagues in the area, but he wanted to try on a new uniform. Can't say I blame him, because I think it helps to develop a newer appreciate for the game as well as the profession.

He's been doing well with most of his judgment calls, but there's one thing I can't help but be amused at. Every time a pitch hits the ground instead of the glove, he bails. And I don't mean just a little... I mean arms up, turns his back, almost as though someone's throwing at his head. One pitch bounced off the ground, hit him in the knee, and you could have sworn he'd been hit with a fastball.

I've been meaning to talk to him either before, during or after games, but I just never get the chance. I've never seen anything like it.

Skahtboi Thu Sep 27, 2007 08:26am

In SP???? :eek:

NCASAUmp Thu Sep 27, 2007 09:26am


Originally Posted by Skahtboi
In SP???? :eek:

Yeah, it looked pretty ridiculous. He even took one off the knee and kinda went, "ooh... ahh... *grumble*"

I think I'm scheduled to call with him next week again. I'll be sure to mention to him, "hey, man, just resign yourself to the fact that you're eventually gonna get hit, and it's not that bad!"

Heck, I don't even wear a cup behind the plate, and in 15 years, I've only been hit twice in the twig-and-giggleberries.

Skahtboi Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:41am


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Yeah, it looked pretty ridiculous. He even took one off the knee and kinda went, "ooh... ahh... *grumble*"

I think I'm scheduled to call with him next week again. I'll be sure to mention to him, "hey, man, just resign yourself to the fact that you're eventually gonna get hit, and it's not that bad!"

Heck, I don't even wear a cup behind the plate, and in 15 years, I've only been hit twice in the twig-and-giggleberries.

You know, that twice would have been worth it to me to have worn a cup for those 15 years. That is one of those things that I, as AMEX is fond of saying, don't leave home without it. After all, it is the game that is called softball, I don't necessarily want mine that way! :D

NCASAUmp Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:44pm


Originally Posted by Skahtboi
You know, that twice would have been worth it to me to have worn a cup for those 15 years. That is one of those things that I, as AMEX is fond of saying, don't leave home without it. After all, it is the game that is called softball, I don't necessarily want mine that way! :D

Bah... My hands are close enough to that region when I'm behind the plate that I can usually knock the ball away from that path. Or, I can usually turn my hips enough that it will hit my hip instead of the boys.

ukumpire Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:52pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
He's played in some of the higher leagues

Players Umpiring Games and turning or jumping, seen it plenty and more. Bit different for them when they are not holding a Bat!

Me, I jump when I am doing C-Comp or Rec, but for the higher leagues I quietly have a word with the Catcher "Hits me in the Shins again and you got a Ball, Regardless" Tell you what, may not be ethical, 'but you Shins stay Clean of Blue' But if going to get it in the legs, 'Get the Stich Marks:) ' and don't rub it ...

In my 15 years of Slowpitch I have never worn a Cup! Also never been caught out. If that happened 'that would be a Walk!' :eek:

tcblue13 Thu Sep 27, 2007 03:05pm

I do FP and modified so I always have it on. I can't imagine how bad it would hurt without a cup but it still smarts with one.

IRISHMAFIA Thu Sep 27, 2007 03:28pm

Just couldn't let this discussion go by without whipping this out!

Don't forget to watch the video, it's worth the time.

Mountaineer Thu Sep 27, 2007 04:05pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA

Just couldn't let this discussion go by without whipping this out!

Don't forget to watch the video, it's worth the time.

Mike is this your personal endorsement?

Skahtboi Thu Sep 27, 2007 09:58pm


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA

Just couldn't let this discussion go by without whipping this out!

Don't forget to watch the video, it's worth the time.

Watching that still hurts me!!!!

NCASAUmp Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:34pm

"The testiclees"?! Oh my...

Actually, I've been thinking about getting a cup for calling games. I'm not worried about foul tips, but about 1st basemen with bad aim. I had one VERY close call when a first baseman gunned it to the plate to get the advancing runner. The ball skipped below the catcher's glove, and it hit me about 8" below the buddies. It left a bruise there for a month, and I could still feel some sort of muscle damage for months after that.

shipwreck Fri Sep 28, 2007 06:22am

NCASAUmp, I may as well jump in before someone else does. I can see why you wouldn't be afraid of a FOUL TIP, since a foul tip requires that the catcher secure the ball in her glove or hand. That wouldn't hurt since it isn't going to touch you. Dave

NCASAUmp Fri Sep 28, 2007 07:07am


Originally Posted by shipwreck
NCASAUmp, I may as well jump in before someone else does. I can see why you wouldn't be afraid of a FOUL TIP, since a foul tip requires that the catcher secure the ball in her glove or hand. That wouldn't hurt since it isn't going to touch you. Dave

Touché. Y'all know what I really meant, though. Picky, picky... ;)

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