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bkbjones Fri Jun 08, 2007 04:18pm

A little levity
Before we get too engrossed in the seriousness of stuff...I was reminded of a play that happened a few years back.

ASA, 14U, local tournament not in championship play. Two fairly good teams, coaches know what they are doing.

PU is a fourth year umpire with a couple bad habits, including chasing after coaches after the coach is finished arguing a call. BU is a second year umpire who probably knows the game better than 98% of the association, especially moreso than PU.

Defensive coach gets all lathered up over a a reallllly horrible call at the plate, doesn't come out to argue but chirps reallllly loudly from his bucket.

PU rips off his mask and heads toward the dugout, ejection mechanism already locked, loaded and ready to fire...when the BU comes racing across from C and says, "Coach! You're restricted to the dugout!"

PU is stunned. Coach is stunned and goes looking for the UIC or TD.

Coach: "There's no rule that says she can restrict me to the dugout!"
UIC: "You're right. I guess you're ejected. Want me to go fix it?"
Coach: "Nope, great call. I'll stay in the dugout..."

Steve M Fri Jun 08, 2007 06:52pm

Now that's funny. Good one, John.

MichaelVA2000 Tue Jun 12, 2007 09:47pm

Couple of years ago I'm the PU and the OC starts chirping about balls and strikes in the first inning. I ring up a batter on an outside corner pitch. First pitch to the next batter is at the same height but further outside and I call the pitch a ball. OC yells from the third base coaches box "C'mon Blue, that was right where the last pitch was, get consistent." I responded: Ok Coach, you talked me into it, strike one! Zero balls, one strike! Catcher is cracking up, batter is close to a heart attack and the OC is about to explode. As the OC is heading for the plate area I say: Just kidding on the count Coach, but this warning about the chirping is no joke, knock it off!

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