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Rachel Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:35pm

Who here has had your knee done?
After 15 years of fastpitch officiating, 26 years of teaching Physical Education and a lot of competitive sports my knee has some torn cartilage. Have any of you had arthroscopic surgery? Do you come back as good as new or is this the beginning of the end. I plan on listening to my doctor but how has this affected those of you who have had this done?

SRW Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:49pm

bkbjones had it done earlier this year... talk to him...

HawkeyeCubP Fri Sep 01, 2006 11:49pm

I had a four-point scope (they made four little incisions and went in at each point to do repairs) 6 years ago on one knee to remove a bunch of torn meniscus, and it has been a life-saver. I let it go way to long before I did anything about it as well, and it was a big mistake - I ended up with a popliteal fluid-filled cyst in the back of that knee from the fluid building up and not having anywhere to go but back through the center of the knee and collecting there (it was the size of an orange - not good). After having a double-procedure to take care of both of those conditions, I came out the other side unbelievably great. I think it took about two months to be able to move around semi-normally again in athletic situations (playing basketball, tennis, etc.), but I know people that have been back at their semi-active status in 4 weeks.

I still feel great. Overuse is always an issue, but cycling a lot before each season helps get/keep my leg muscles in pretty good shape, which takes some of the stress off of my knees.

Short version = I'm a success story for reparing torn meniscus.

Best of luck.

bkbjones Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:57am

Yah, this year I've had my left knee and my heart done, and I think the knee was the less stressful of the two - but only slightly:D .

Had 3-4 separate procedures done, all were great. Lifesavers. Do all the rehab, don't fudge on a bit of it. Know that your quads will be shot, and your hammy might be as well depending upon the procedure. It took about two months after the operation to get back to a decent place, and about 4 months to get to close to full strength.

My only regret is that I didn't have it done sooner.

IRISHMAFIA Sat Sep 02, 2006 08:48am


Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP

Short version = I'm a success story for reparing torn meniscus.

I've had both done. In both cases the meniscus was so bad there was no option, but removal.

My rehab was aquatic workout, constant stretching and manipulation of the patella and all muscles around the knee. After four weeks of that, up on land with some hardcore stretching, passive resistence exercises and some serious stimulation (electronic) along with some forced PT-aided bending and stretching.

Two months later, I was done. Just because the surgeon and PT say you are ready to go, doesn't mean you jump right back into the game. Take your time, continue the stretching, wear some sort of knee support, but not so tight the patella cannot move freely.

Good luck.

Dutch Alex Mon Sep 04, 2006 06:00am

In the last 7 years I've had two meniscus operations and one removal of "wild bone". The period between the two meniscus opearations was 14 month's.
After the last meniscus operation I've quit playing softball and started umpirering.
Since we play ball from april until october in the Neth's, my last operation was done in january. Intensive work out together with a fysiotherapist made me ready a second week in april. Now I have to train once a week in the gym to have the upper legs stay in good shape. They will keep the imballance of the knees in order.
I nearly have no trouble or hinder of my knees during the games...

Good luck and remember to train your (upper)legs,

ctenbrink Tue Sep 05, 2006 03:12pm

Had my ACL and manisicas done in June. I still havent been cleared to umpire yet, but the moves that used to hurt dont hurt and the swelling I used to get I dont get any more.

Stripes33 Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:04pm

I've had five orthoscopic procedures in the last ten years but none since 2001 including a torn ACL and four meniscus tears. I'm still able to officiate over 60 high school games a year and umpire softball as well. Everybody responds differently and downtime depends on how hard you want to rehab. I always pushed mysellf during rehab but different strokes for different folks!

ctenbrink Fri Sep 08, 2006 03:56pm

Week 11 and I have been cleared to do plate and bases again! Yeah!!!

lildani14 Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:52pm

Well, I'm 20 years old and have had three knee surgeries, all of them before the age of 16. :) I've had two scopes and one major procedure...kinda why I'm going into medicine, go figure. Anyway, my last scope was Halloween my sophmore year of high school and it was just to clean up some scar tissue and excess cartiledge. I didn't actually have PT or use crutches after that surgery, but that could possibly be because I was young. But I was able to do basketball that winter, so I was basically only out of action for about three weeks. I waited too long for that surgery because I remember always having an aching knee and the day after surgery that ache was gone. So by all means, go for it!

But with my other two surgeries, that were to correct a dislocating knee cap, I was on crutches for both of those with a few months of PT each. My first was Dec. 30, 1999 and I was good to go for track that spring. My second, and major, one was Aug. 1, 2000 and I was able to play basketball that winter in November. It really all depends on the severity of the injury, the intensity of the procedure and the level of rehab you're able to start at.

Granted, we started fall softball last week and my knee swelled up to the size of a doesn't hurt. So I've probably got another surgery in my future someday, but thats what you get playing an additional four years of HS/college ball on an already shot knee.

Hope all goes well for ya!

CecilOne Mon Sep 11, 2006 06:27pm

You are both too young to be in a rush to get back. Take your time, do thorough rehab and umpire for 50 years.

Canned Heat Wed Oct 13, 2010 04:21pm

Lost all 3 ligaments in my right knee in a terrible incident in 2000...I was 30. I had the PCL and MCL repaired in immediate surgery...screws, staples and pins, but no ACL in that leg. Was told I would need an ACL from a cadaver for the procedure, if I ever had it done. I always tell people I'm waiting for Michael Jordan to pass away...

All kidding aside, I have very little problems other than some noticeable swelling and pressure when we have big low pressure systems come in. I do not wear any brace...when I did for the year following the accident, it made the knee worse, probably due to resistance on it.
I am glad to be at the REF position more often than not, however, my Friday night crew...I am the UMP and have been since 1995. Saw the ortho last year and they suspect a knee replacement by the time I'm 50 or so....possibly both at some point. We'll see.

IRISHMAFIA Wed Oct 13, 2010 04:46pm

Well, since this 4-year old post, I have had a knee replaced and lost more than 50 lbs. Unlike bkbjones, I don't keep my heart in my knee, so they didn't have to deal with that. :cool: Only missed one season and haven't had any issue.

The other knee which was due to be replaced last March is still there. Apparently, the support of the new knee and lost of weight gave the knee a break and is actually in better shape than before. Go figure.

Its only a matter of time before it will need to be replaced and I don't care. If it happens, it happens and I'm okay with that.

NCASAUmp Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:25pm

Still waiting on my ankle surgery. Season's wrapping up in a week, so hopefully, I'll get it done soon.

okla21fan Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:35pm

torn meniscus (initial injury was two seasons ago, plus 20 years of catching). finally after 2 MRIs that came up inconclusive and I finally heard it 'pop'. Had a 4 point scope that revealed a tear too extreme to repair, and the Doc cut out the tear.

Umped 5 games in one day 3 weeks after surgery (although I took it easy) 2 months after surgery, worked 10 games on weekend.

It 'hurt' I can work ball again on tourney weekends

Skahtboi Thu Oct 14, 2010 08:58am

Whiners! :cool:

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