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Al Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:39am

The Most Exciting Play!
A little background before the actual play. In spring of 04, while I was coaching 3rd base for 8and under one of my girls hit a very strong line drive that went well into the outfield. She ended up with a home run. While the team, and parents, were all enjoying the moment I asked the girl playing 3rd base if she ever hit a home run. She said "No, but my dad said if I ever hit a home run he is taking me to Wal-mart to buy me a surprise". Well, a year later I am umpiring a game and that little girl comes to bat. I asked her if she ever got her home run and that surprise from Wal-Mart. She said no. Then she hit the ball pretty good, but it didn't get out of the infield. The play to 1st was close, but she didn't even slow down, made the turn to 2nd and beat the throw there. Her coaches were yelling for her to stay at second, but she didn't even slow down. She just barely beat the throw to 3rd. Didn't slow down there either. :) The fielder at 3rd was a big girl and was running her down to home plate. I was running along side of them watching to see if a tag gets made before the runners foot touches the plate. Little by little the fielder was catching her. Then just inches after the runner's foot touched home plate the fielder tagged her. Close but SAFE! The whole place was cheering! I'll never forget that, especially because of the girl telling me that story about daddy getting her a surprise if she gets a home run. I was sure glad she was safe, because even though I wanted her to be safe I call them as I see them. She was determined to get a home run! She turned a single into a home run! That was the most exciting play I had all year. I guess she must have gotten her surprise. I probably won't have to ask her to find out. I'm sure she will want to tell me.

Anyone want to share their most exciting play?

Nothin like fun at the ole' ball park!

mcrowder Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:22am

Most exciting play?

My very first attempt at umpiring - I'm 16 years old, with NO training, working the plate for little league - 10U.

The pitcher in this game is GOOD for a 10U. Visitor needs to win to go to the playoffs. Game is close, comes to the bottom of the last inning. Home is losing by 1, bases loaded 2 outs. Smallest kid on the team comes up - scared to even be in the box, much less swing the bat. Strike one. Strike two. Coach calls time, says something to the batter.

Batter walks up behind the box, scrunches down, and waddles into the box. Remember - I'm 16, no training, and don't know any better. So I'm LITERALLY laying on my bubble protector, prone on the ground, looking straight through the miniscule 3 inch high strike zone. My BU is right behind the pitcher, with as good a view of the zone as me.

Ball 1, high by about a foot. Ball 2, high by about 2 inches.

Next pitch is picture perfect right in the center of this 3-inch high zone. BU's jaw drops. Big MLB-worthy strike 3 call. Pitcher was the hero forever. I saw him a few years later and he still remembered that pitch. Turned out they won the playoff tourney. Still gives me goosebumps remembering it.

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