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eblack Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:54am

I umpire softball of all levels.

Mens bar leagues to Womens fast pitch.

The mens leagues I'm not so concerned about, but on the womens leagues...I do some college, Varsity HS, and some fast Pitch Pony 18 Under and 16 Under.

What is your oppinion of wearing a chest protector for these levels of womens game?

For the past 6 years I have only worn a mask and shin guards, but as of resent conversation many umpires in my association have started wearing the chest protector.

What are your thoughts?

Eric, NY

Dakota Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:00pm


Originally posted by eblack
I do some college, Varsity HS, and some fast Pitch Pony 18 Under and 16 Under.

What is your oppinion of wearing a chest protector for these levels of womens game?

I wouldn't call any fast pitch game without a chest protector. At our state HS tournament this year, the PU in one game took a shot to the chest that laid him flat. It took him several minutes to recover. He was wearing a chest protector.

chuck chopper Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:25pm

My dad did Mens fastpitch for 40 years. Came home quite often all banged up, and complaining. That was all I needed to see in order for me to wear one at any level of fast pitch. GO GET ONE !!! So you will sweat more..big deal.

DaveASA/FED Thu Jun 17, 2004 01:21pm

I agree with the other two comments. I wear one no matter what level of ball I do 10U through High school. There are still a few that don't wear them but as a rule all I ump with wear them. Like Chuck said you sweat a little more (not too much more with a good wicking undergarment) but I'd rather sweat then nurse a broken sternum or clavicle.

eblack Thu Jun 17, 2004 01:36pm

so what is preference:

The Ump soft chest protector or the Hornings Elite model for softball.



Dakota Thu Jun 17, 2004 01:42pm

For a number or years, I used the very basic ribbed style chest protector. This year, I bought the Honig's K2 "shorty" protector designed for softball use. It provides very good protection of the upper chest bones, marginal protection (my opinion) of the heart area, and no protection below the sternum.

I like it OK, but I feel a little vulnerable around the heart.

I've taken a minor hit to the belly, but that area on me is well padded without a protector! ;)

CecilOne Thu Jun 17, 2004 02:06pm

If I could find a suit of armor that I could run in, I would wear it.

Duke Thu Jun 17, 2004 02:26pm

Wouldn't work without one. I still work with a few guys that do not wear one. Heck, I have at least one guy on the board that doesn't even wear a cup.

I purchased a new protector this year. Bought this Gerry Davis model and really like it.

Steve M Thu Jun 17, 2004 02:45pm

I work high school age & older, up through men's major. I wear all the gear, all the time. You are far more likely to get hit in younger, less skilled levels than you are as the players get older. Even so, there is nothing soft about a softball. I wear The Ump chest protector and baseball Ump shins - they provide more leg protection than the softball ones do for the same price. I've seen the new Gerry Davis model and would probably get that - if I were looking for a new one today. I've seen Honig's K2 and probably would not get one of those, maybe the K1 as it seems to have better collar/shoulder coverage. When doing baseball, I've got a hard shell chest protector and wouldn't be without it for those games.

Something else you did not mention that is a "must" - good plate shoes. Get hit once, or stepped on with the metal spikes once when you're not wearing stell-toed shoes and you'll really wish you had.

As for the sweating, doesn't matter what I wear, I get soaked. It pours out of me almost faster than I can put it in. Coming off the field with the pants soaked front & back makes me appreciate ASA's navy pants. Oh, yeah, the wicking material doesn't do any good at all for me - though it may for others.

eblack Thu Jun 17, 2004 03:26pm


Originally posted by Duke
Wouldn't work without one. I still work with a few guys that do not wear one. Heck, I have at least one guy on the board that doesn't even wear a cup.

I purchased a new protector this year. Bought this Gerry Davis model and really like it.

To me this looks more like a baseball chest protector.

For baseball I wear the +Pos shoft shell.

Also for shin gaurds for softball I wear the short +Pos softball guards...Best $30 I ever spent.

JEL Thu Jun 17, 2004 04:06pm


Originally posted by eblack

Originally posted by Duke
Wouldn't work without one. I still work with a few guys that do not wear one. Heck, I have at least one guy on the board that doesn't even wear a cup.

I purchased a new protector this year. Bought this Gerry Davis model and really like it.

To me this looks more like a baseball chest protector.

For baseball I wear the +Pos shoft shell.

Also for shin gaurds for softball I wear the short +Pos softball guards...Best $30 I ever spent.

If you have the +pos soft shell, use it for "soft" ball.
I use a Schutt Comfort Lite for rec softball, and up to 16U. "A" class 16 and up, and baseball I wear an AllStar
hard shell. I saw a blue working w/o protector a couple of weeks ago, I would rather use mine. I would rather sweat than hurt!

dtwsd Thu Jun 17, 2004 05:27pm


Originally posted by Dakota
This year, I bought the Honig's K2 "shorty" protector designed for softball use. It provides very good protection of the upper chest bones, marginal protection (my opinion) of the heart area, and no protection below the sternum.

I like it OK, but I feel a little vulnerable.

I got a K2 this year and feel the same way. Extremely lightweight and great for working the younger kids but I simply don't feel the same security (when working the older kids) as I do with a full protector. I recently bought the CPU from Pro Nine and love it. It is nearly the same as the Honig's K1 but costs way less (I paid $50 through a distributor link on the Pro Nine site). Check out Pro Nine at (Click on Umpires Protective).

So now I use the K2 for 10U and the CPU for everything else.

3afan Thu Jun 17, 2004 08:14pm

i'll never call a fastpitch game w/o a chest protector ..... get hit once on your collar bone & you'll agree

Little Jimmy Thu Jun 17, 2004 09:20pm


I've used The Ump for three years and feel very safe with it. Taken many straight shots with it on and have yet to suffer (knock on wood).

whiskers_ump Thu Jun 17, 2004 09:27pm

K2. Used it for years.

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