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ChampaignBlue Mon Apr 19, 2004 05:21pm

Mens ASA SP. My UIC is telling us that at the state rules meeting it was determined that if the catcher releases a throw to the pitcher it's either all runners try to steal or none of them. Runners R1 on 2nd and R2 on 1st, passed ball and R1 takes off but R2 returns to 1st as catcher throws to the pitcher before R1 reaches 3rd, R1 returns to 2nd. Is that right?

Ed Maeder Mon Apr 19, 2004 07:32pm

In the Points Of Emphasis #49 it states If the runner is stopped between bases, or is not clearly advancing when the catcher throws the ball back to the pitcher, near the pitcher's plate, the ball is dead and the runner must return to the last base touched. So in your example I would say that the runner that is advancing to third before the throw back to the pitcher has every right to
continue. The runner returning to first must do just that. I have not seen anywhere where it says all go or no go.
Please correct me if I missed something somewhere.


[Edited by Ed Maeder on Apr 19th, 2004 at 08:38 PM]

IRISHMAFIA Mon Apr 19, 2004 08:12pm


Originally posted by ChampaignBlue
Mens ASA SP. My UIC is telling us that at the state rules meeting it was determined that if the catcher releases a throw to the pitcher it's either all runners try to steal or none of them. Runners R1 on 2nd and R2 on 1st, passed ball and R1 takes off but R2 returns to 1st as catcher throws to the pitcher before R1 reaches 3rd, R1 returns to 2nd. Is that right?

Not exactly.

If "any" runner is between bases and not clearly advancing when, or starts after the catcher releases the ball, the ball is ruled dead and ALL runners are returned to their respective bases. The caveat to this is that the pitcher MUST catch the ball near the pitcher's plate (think 8' circle). If this catch is not made or the pitcher is not near the pitcher's plate, the ball remains live and runners may advance at their own risk.

There is no requirement that ALL runners advance simultaneously.

Time_Blue Tue Apr 20, 2004 02:46pm

Mens ASA SP. My UIC is telling us that at the state rules meeting it was determined t
Our UIC says the same thing. Rule 8 Sec.4G #1 states If "A" runner stops or clearly not advancing when the catcher releases the ball to the pitcher, the play is ruled dead and "ALL" runner(s) are returned to the last base legally touched.
We are interpretating this as either they all try and steal or no one does.

IRISHMAFIA Tue Apr 20, 2004 06:29pm

Re: Mens ASA SP. My UIC is telling us that at the state rules meeting it was determined t

Originally posted by Time_Blue
Our UIC says the same thing. Rule 8 Sec.4G #1 states If "A" runner stops or clearly not advancing when the catcher releases the ball to the pitcher, the play is ruled dead and "ALL" runner(s) are returned to the last base legally touched.
We are interpretating this as either they all try and steal or no one does.

Think about it. Runners at the corners and a ball rolls a short distance from, but within reach of the catcher. Now, under your interpretation, you are prohibiting R2 from advancing to 2B as permitted by 8.4.G by requiring R1 to run toward the player with the ball.

Sounds more like 10U rules than that directed to adult softball, doesn't it?

Time_Blue Tue Apr 20, 2004 09:58pm

Sounds more like 10U rules than that directed to adult softball, doesn't it?
Yes it does! Most area teams I've talked to, although not playing much yet with stealing don't like the idea at all. A lot of our leagues around here are just for fun and this new rule is taking a lot of our "for fun " catchers out of the game.

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