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collinb Sat Apr 03, 2004 12:26pm

Unlike wind, sun in a fielder's eyes is not a factor when judging if a ball is an infield fly.
True or False

The part of the question I am most concerned with is the insinuation that wind can be a factor in judging if a fly ball is a infield fly for the infield fly rule.

My answer was false because I do not feel that even wind can be a factor.

I have not received the answers back to know if I was right or wrong.

CecilOne Sat Apr 03, 2004 05:21pm

I think the test answer was true.
I'm pretty sure most umpires judgement of an infield(er) fly is affected by the wind. Not that we think "strong wind, can't be IF"; but in observing the play, if the ball is blowing away from the infielder, that would make a difference.

greymule Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:03pm

Funny—I just read that in the J/R this morning and hadn't known the rule. Wind is a factor, sun is not. (Of course, that's OBR.)

collinb Sun Apr 04, 2004 05:08am

I just received the NFHS answers to part 2 and the correct answer is TRUE
I believe the point that we are to determine that a fly ball is an IFR(infield fly ball) is when the ball reaches it's apex (highest point). It seems to me the effects of wind changing what would have been a easy catch with ordinary effert into a difficult catch nullifying the IFR(in field fly rule) would be when the ball is on it's way down.

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