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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 19, 2012, 10:19am
eme eme is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 5
PK Ponderings

NFHS Rules 2012-13 Rulebook page 62 PK Situations

I have wondered why, in the five situations presented, when an attacking team encroaches, in four of the situations the rules give the ball to the defense in some form.
The exception is when the attacking team scores: rules dictate a rekick.
Would it not be cleaner to have the same outcome for all five situations? i.e.
the ball goes to the defense.
The only rationale I can think of is that with a rekick you and the rules are not penalizing the encroaching team twice by both taking the goal away AND giving the opponent the ball. In the ensuing four situations where the kick is missed or held by the GK or goes off the GK and out of play...the encroaching team has penalized itself by missing the you and the rules are only really penalizing them once by taking the goal away but giving them a rekick.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 20, 2012, 06:41am
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Join Date: Nov 2006
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The thing to remember here is that the PK was awarded for a foul by the defending team in the first place. So we want to make sure that the offended team has a fair chance at converting it.

A technical violation by the attacking team on a converted goal causing them to completely lose the opportunity of the PK just doesn't amount to that fair chance, so they get to kick it again. On the other hand, if they couldn't get it into the goal to begin with, well, they had their chance.

On the other hand, if the defenders encroach and the PK is missed, we retake it then as well.
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