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jeffpea jeffpea is offline

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  1. referee99
    Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:52am - permalink

    re a response you made in 2008...
    "i try to keep it simple when being aware of the shot clock. At the start of every possession (after made FG, steal, foul, etc.), I glance at the game clock to see what time the possession started (i.e. 10:45). I repeat that number out loud for memory sake.

    I have now accomplished two things: I know if the clocked has started properly, and I now have the facts to determine how much time SHOULD be on the shot clock if it is erroneously reset (i.e. possession began at 10:45, there is now 10:15 on game clock - which means :30 have elapsed....therefore only :05 should be remaining on the shot clock).

    The simple act of looking at the game clock on every possession solves any problems that might arise....which only happens about once every 4 or 5 games in my experience."

    I actually just assimilated this technique into my game. Super effective and empowering. I have the number! Thanks for planting this seed... it finally grew.

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