NFHS Rules - Quaterback A1 rolls out on a play action pass. Running back A2 goes down field 5 yards and tries to cut to the sideline. As A2 makes his cut he crosses B1 the outside backer. B1 contacts A2 from the front and knocks A2 down before he can make the cut. Quaterback A1 has no one to throw to so he tucks the ball away and runs up field for a 5 yard gain. The back judge throws a flag for Defensive Pass Interference. The wing throws a flag for Defensive Illegal Use of Hands. The referee determines the following: A2 was running straight at B1 and not away from B1 so there is no Illegal Use of Hands. The ball was never thrown so there can not be any Defensive Pass Interference. The play was a run both flags are waved off.
This play has caused a tremendous amount of discuusion. Who do you think was right???