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TXMike Wed Dec 14, 2011 08:53am

Halftime Issue in Texas
You can say what you want about Texas but we know how to do halftime right!!

CT1 Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:49pm


This same boy told investigators that he suspected that one of his 15-year-old friends had also been assaulted by Moore, though that child has apparently not yet made an outcry about his ordeal.
Imagine that....

Jim S Wed Dec 14, 2011 05:32pm

Link gone?

TXMike Wed Dec 14, 2011 09:21pm

Link is fixed

Steven Tyler Tue Dec 27, 2011 02:18am

In today's world, if an older man does a young girl that way, it's a crime.

If an older woman does a younger boy in that manner, it's a crime it isn't caught on video and posted on the Internet.

Jim S Thu Dec 29, 2011 02:29pm

Well, as long as they were back in their seats for the second half K.O...........

jchamp Fri Dec 30, 2011 05:01pm

From the article:

...and then Moore subjected the boy to a sexual assault lasting, by the boy's estimation, for ten or 15 minutes...
Left out is the teacher's estimation that it only lasted about 45 seconds to a minute.

In either case, if he's below the age of consent (and I don't know what it is in Texas, but 14-16 is pretty normal) then you've got to lay down the guilty charge, if it's man or woman. It really shouldn't be hard for a woman to find a willing male over the age of consent--using kids to fulfill your desires is wrong, teacher or not. If he's above the age of consent, you've still got offsides, illegal procedure, holding, and probably failure to wear proper equipment.

Welpe Fri Dec 30, 2011 05:40pm

He's below the age of consent in Texas and her being a teacher I believe bumps this into a pretty serious felony.

Rich Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:36pm

24 minute halftimes? 28 minute halftimes? Really?

Our halftimes are 15 minutes and they can be extended to 20 minutes maximum.

What, do the teams go get a meal at halftime or something?

TXMike Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:16am

We have lots of horny teachers and willing 15 year olds so halftimes have to be a bit longer.

Each Band gets to do their contest performance which runs 12 min each Most take all of it. And they have so much crap nowadays that goes along with the band performance (props) it takes some set up time. causes things to drag on and on

umpirebob71 Sat Dec 31, 2011 01:08pm

I could take a real nice nap with a 28 minute halftime.

Welpe Sat Dec 31, 2011 09:19pm

Combine that with a 25+ foul game and you've got a really long night...:rolleyes:

waltjp Sun Jan 01, 2012 01:54am


Originally Posted by Welpe (Post 809783)
Combine that with a 25+ foul game and you've got a really long night...:rolleyes:

Keep the damn flag in your pocket!

Welpe Sun Jan 01, 2012 04:00am

Hard to do that when you have players insisting on getting ejected...going offside on a kickoff and then facemasking the returner on the same play!

waltjp Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:04pm

C'mon! Let 'em play.

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