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Ricejock Sun Sep 29, 2002 02:51am

When is a blocked FG blown dead: Team blocked a FG try and went 10 yards behind line of scrimmage, as soon as the ball was blocked the officials blew their whistles, I thought they need to recover ball before its dead, and could they advance ball?
Jeff (Basketball Official)

STEVED21 Sun Sep 29, 2002 08:13am

Here's an answer that makes one team very happy and the other, well, just get an escort for the officials. An inadvertent whistle occurred during a loose ball play. By rule the down gets replayed. Doesn't sound fair, but we don't make the rules, just enforce them.

This is why the crew MUST talk and remind each other the ball is live. It is not a try.

BktBallRef Sun Sep 29, 2002 11:25am

Are you sure it was a FG? In the topic title, you wrote "Block Punt." In the question, you asked about a blocked FG. Could it have been an extra point attempt? Which was it?

JimNayzium Sun Sep 29, 2002 11:42am

read the other post of under the contraversy in my game...i have a similar question and a lengthy explanatin there...

Ricejock Sun Sep 29, 2002 12:52pm

I'm sorry, blocked FG. Also can the team that blocks the FG advance the ball.

BktBallRef Sun Sep 29, 2002 01:07pm

A blocked FG is not different than a punt. It should treated the same. Either team can advance the ball, if recovered behind the LOS. The receiving team can advance it, no matter where it's recovered.

Had the kick been a try, it would have been dead as soon as it was clear the kick would not score.

Sleeper Mon Sep 30, 2002 09:42am

I am pretty sure (don't have the rulebook with me today) in NCAA rules, the try can be returned just like a blocked kick or punt. The difference is the point vaulue for a returned try is 2 points.

Theisey Mon Sep 30, 2002 10:58am

Don't confuse the coach Sleeper. We are sure he is asking about NFHS rules, not NCAA rules.
However, you are correct regarding the ball remaining live during a blocked TRY under NCAA rules but it becomes dead under NFHS rules.

We can only guess why the officials did what they did. If I had to it would be that they did not know the rules properly.

Sleeper Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:13am

No problem. I officiate in Texas and we work under NCAA rules (I think Mass. does too). I just wanted to make sure to throw that in for covered bases.

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