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refman01 Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:49am

Football Referee Associations
Building a web site of football officials associations. Any good ones out there?

Moshiner1345 Sat Apr 19, 2008 01:41pm

IFOA (Indiana football officials association) It puts on an annual clinic prior to the season starting in the Colts practice facility. They are also working with the IHSAA (Indiana High School Athletic Association) and trying to change the way post season assignments are assigned in Indiana. their website is

waltjp Sat Apr 19, 2008 02:58pm


CBUA Upstate New York - Home Page

Central Virginia Football Officials Association

Contra Costa Football Officials association

NVFOA Northern Virginia Football Officials Association

West Coast Officials Association, officiating High Schools for Basketball and Football

Official Website of the Big Bend Football Officials Association

CFOA - Central Florida Officials Association


BFOA - Broward Football Official's Association - South Florida


OverAndBack Mon Apr 21, 2008 09:13pm

Arizona Football Officials Association

Fox Valley (IL) Football Officials

HLin NC Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:45pm

daggo66 Wed Apr 23, 2008 09:10am

Rick KY Wed Apr 23, 2008 03:12pm

Northern Kentucky Officials Association

Ref inSoCA Thu Apr 24, 2008 08:17pm

San Diego County Football Officials Assn

ML99 Tue Apr 29, 2008 08:29am

AFSÖ (American Football Schiedsrichter Österreich) [Austria]
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="" border="0" />

jaybird Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:08pm

brettdj Wed Apr 30, 2008 09:50am

washington district football officials association

With_Two_Flakes Thu May 01, 2008 08:46pm

If you are ever in the United Kingdom on business or vacation, bring your kit and work a game with us. I'm not talking soccer, I mean Football and what's more we have Football 9 months of the year...... :D

Adult Rec games - April thru August with playoffs in September. College games - November thru February (with a mid season break for Christmas), playoffs in March. Our seasons are long because of the shortage of officials, so the regular seasons are stretched out so we can cover the games.

We play straight NCAA Rules as does most every "foreign" country in the World (except for our Canadian cousins). Our mechanics are pretty similar to CCA so should not be a problem either.

Contact details of our International Liason Officer are on the website link below

jjrye22 Fri May 02, 2008 01:23am

Same here in Germany.
Basically straight NCAA and close to CAA mechanics. Almost everyone knows enough English to let you feel comfortable.
We had a game 2 years ago with some officials visiting from Sweden. Nice to see some other faces sometimes, and learn some differences in mechanics.

Welpe Fri May 02, 2008 02:52pm


Originally Posted by waltjp

That's a good association from what I hear. ;)

I'll add the other one in the SF East Bay:

East Bay Football Officials Association

cougar729 Sat May 10, 2008 10:55am

Just throwing out my own creation

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