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OverAndBack Thu Feb 02, 2006 02:27pm

Sorry, but since we can't search, I'm at a loss.

Does anyone remember the site where you could put in your city and it would put a pin on a map? Several officials put their info in it, and I don't think I bookmarked it (unfortunately) and I'm looking for it.

If anyone remembers/has the link, I'd be greatly appreciative.

Jim S Thu Feb 02, 2006 02:53pm

Get on it guys!

Career games, Baseball 3200+, Softball, 1200+, basketball approx 200, Soccer 157, Football about 1400 nah,nah,nah :p

[Edited by Jim S on Feb 2nd, 2006 at 02:57 PM]

grantsrc Thu Feb 02, 2006 06:08pm

I created this one too, specifically for this board. The other one is for a different forum (not that it really matters).

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