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MJT Thu Oct 06, 2005 09:53pm

GT/NCST game and on a 80 yard TD pass the guy dives into the EZ and gets a USC enforced on the KO. GT ends up getting the ball on the 27 (luckily good coverage) after the 15 yard penalty. Definitely a good call.

I thought GT might get one on their TD a while earlier but the guy was close to being contacted so that must have been why he didn't.

I don't understand why these guys feel their image is more important than their team.

ChickenOfNC Thu Oct 06, 2005 09:55pm

Yeah and Herbstreet gets all up on his soapbox and his panties in a wad about it.

MJT Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:01pm

Ya, he has kind of been a jerk about the officials and I have only watched about a quarter.

PSU213 Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:50pm

There was a play in that game where an R player didn't come all that close to blocking a punt, but slid into the punter. It certainly wasn't a violent hit, and it was correctly, IMHO, ruled running into the kicker. Herbstreit (sp?) said something to the effect of, "that was a questionable call." In my mind, it was pretty textbook for the 5 yard call.

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