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floray Tue Aug 30, 2005 07:47pm

I know that currently a PI penalty of 15 yards or more is spotted 15 yards from the previous LOS.

I believe that in the past, it was a spot of foul penalty, regardless of the distance. At least I think it was.

Does anyone know when the rule changed from spot to max of 15 yards?



keystoneref Tue Aug 30, 2005 08:59pm

It depends what code you want a ruling on. Federation rules (every state but Texas and Mass.) the penalty for DPI is 15 yards from the previous spot and an automatic first down. This penalty has not changed since 1981 which is when I started officiating.

JugglingReferee Tue Aug 30, 2005 09:13pm

Canadian Ruling

Originally posted by keystoneref
It depends what code you want a ruling on. Federation rules (every state but Texas and Mass.) the penalty for DPI is 15 yards from the previous spot and an automatic first down. This penalty has not changed since 1981 which is when I started officiating.

floray did specify which code for which he requested ananswer. It is in the subject: NCAA PI Penalty Spot.

Thanks for providing the Fed ruling though.

Here's the Canadian amateur ruling:

DPI > 15y is a 15y penalty, with an AFD. If the DPI is part of a dual foul (at least one foul by each team), the AFD does not apply.

floray Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:32pm

NCAA PI Penalty Spot
Thanks guys. Yep, I should have said NCAA in the body of the message as well.

Anyway, if high school has been that way since 1981, I would guess the NCAA would be before that.

Still, I would like a definitive answer if one is available.


grantsrc Wed Aug 31, 2005 06:14am


Originally posted by floray
I know that currently a PI penalty of 15 yards or more is spotted 15 yards from the previous LOS.
I believe that in the past, it was a spot of foul penalty, regardless of the distance. At least I think it was.
Does anyone know when the rule changed from spot to max of 15 yards?

In the few years that I have worked NCAA it has been a 15 yard penalty from LOS. The only time it is a spot foul is when the ball is snapped inside the 17 yard line going in, it then becomes a spot foul, not half the distance.

mikesears Wed Aug 31, 2005 07:11am


Originally posted by grantsrc

Originally posted by floray
I know that currently a PI penalty of 15 yards or more is spotted 15 yards from the previous LOS.
I believe that in the past, it was a spot of foul penalty, regardless of the distance. At least I think it was.
Does anyone know when the rule changed from spot to max of 15 yards?

In the few years that I have worked NCAA it has been a 15 yard penalty from LOS. The only time it is a spot foul is when the ball is snapped inside the 17 yard line going in, it then becomes a spot foul, not half the distance.


Isn't it a spot foul if the PI happens within 15 yards of the line of scrimmage?

3/10 at the A-20. B1 commits PI at the A-25. Result is A's ball 1/10 at the A-25.

Theisey Wed Aug 31, 2005 07:31am

It's most definitely a spot foul as long as the spot of the foul is less than 15 yards from the LOS.

There are some unique enforcements when snapping between the B17 and B-2 and the foul in beyond the B-2 (like in the EZ). The ball is placed at the B-2 no matter.
When snapping at the B-2 and in, 1/2 distance kicks in (wooopee doo).

In any event, all give team-A and auto 1st down.

grantsrc Wed Aug 31, 2005 08:09am

Yeah, I was wrong. It is a spot foul. I don't work many NCAA games and haven't gotten into the books much this year.
I knew it was different from Fed, just got my wires a little crossed.

don't move Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:58am

In response to the origional question, I think it was about 8 or 9 years ago.

Theisey Wed Aug 31, 2005 06:10pm

I can go back to my 1991 books and it was a spot foul then.

floray Wed Aug 31, 2005 08:12pm

NCAA PI Penalty Spot
Are you saying that in 1991 it was a spot foul, regardless of the distance? That seems odd to me. I was thinking the rule changed around 1989 to the current version of spot for less than 15 yards and 15 for anything longer.

I'm not questioning what you say, but rather just trying to make sure I understand what you said.



Theisey Wed Aug 31, 2005 08:53pm

I thought I was clear.

The rule as it exists today hasn't changed since at least 1991.

How it was written in 1990 and prior years, I can't say with any personal knowledge. If you think is changed in 1989, maybe it did. I don't know. I wasn't working NCAA code before 1991. Someone thought it was only 8 or 9 years ago. I'm just pointing out that was not the case.

ref18 Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:59pm

Re: Canadian Ruling

Originally posted by JugglingReferee

Originally posted by keystoneref
It depends what code you want a ruling on. Federation rules (every state but Texas and Mass.) the penalty for DPI is 15 yards from the previous spot and an automatic first down. This penalty has not changed since 1981 which is when I started officiating.

floray did specify which code for which he requested ananswer. It is in the subject: NCAA PI Penalty Spot.

Thanks for providing the Fed ruling though.

Here's the Canadian amateur ruling:

DPI > 15y is a 15y penalty, with an AFD. If the DPI is part of a dual foul (at least one foul by each team), the AFD does not apply.

I was told in Canadian Amateur rules, PI was once a spot foul with AFD, but I don't know when they changed it to 15 yards max.

In the CFL (our pro league) it's always AFD to A at PF for DPI.

floray Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:27am

NCAA PI Penalty Spot

Thank you for the clarification!

In my last post I said I thought the rule changed in '89 but upon further reflection, I am thinking even before that. Perhaps as early as 1980, but I still don't know for sure.

Again, thanks for the help!


floray Thu Sep 08, 2005 07:12pm

NCAA PI Penalty Spot
Ok, I have official notice from the NCAA:

the rule was changed in 1984

And the Amatuer Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles concurs:

Article 7. A major rules change in 1984 modified the penalty for defensive

pass interference. On pass interference by Team B: Team A’s ball at

the spot of the foul and a first down if the foul occurs less than 15 yards

beyond the previous spot. If the foul occurs 15 or more yards beyond the

previous spot, Team A’s ball, first down and a 15-yard penalty from the

previous spot.

Thanks to all who posted!


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